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She opened her eyes and watched Fletch sleeping. At that moment in the midst of all this and despite the fact she was on ITU, she was happy. She had that, until recently
unfamiliar, warm feeling. Now the feeling was as familiar to her as an old pair of slippers. She'd sent Fletch Home. It was the only way she could look after him at the minute.
She wondered was she getting old and boring wearing her feelings like comfy slippers. She softly chuckled to herself and may have said out loud "I don't care"
Sacha came to do the ward round later that morning.
"How're you feeling today Ms Naylor"
"Sore Mr Levy but ok" she smiled at her friend. She marvelled how he stuck by her when she was quite frankly a bitch
"I think we can move you to Keller today"
"Ugh Keller?"
" 'fraid so mate"
"Fine I suppose it's one step nearer to home. Any medical students or F1s I can play with?"
"And by play with you mean torment and terrify?" He grinned
"Of course" she laughed "if I'm bored I'm going to need some entertainment"
"You're definitely on the mend. Are you going to ring Fletch about the move or shall I?"
"It's ok I will. I've only just sent him home. I hope he manages to get a couple of hours whilst the rabble is at school and crèche"
"Jac Naylor- mother of five" Sacha guffawed
"Shut up you"
Fletch had indeed managed to get his head down whilst his mum had sorted the kids out with packed lunches and dropped the younger ones off at crèche. It was, she said, important to maintain their routine then she went to the supermarket to let her son sleep.
His sleep was fitful and he had vivid dreams of Jac not being round anymore. It wasn't clear in the dream whether she had died or left she just wasn't here anymore. He woke up in a cold sweat. Worried it was an omen Fletch quickly found his phone and rang Jac. She answered straight away taking no notice of signs requesting that mobiles were not to be used
"Hey I was just about to ring you"
"Why, is everything alright?" He sounded panicky
"Calm down they're moving me to Keller" she said, her voice dripping with disdain
He laughed "oh I bet that's gone down well"
"Hmm. How're the kids"
" I only saw them briefly before mum bundled them all out and I got me head down for a couple of hours. Reports are good though. When do you think you'll be up to visitors?"
"Maybe tomorrow?" She still wanted to shield Emma - and now the others from seeing her in pain or weak
"0k babe. I'll see you soon"

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now