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He could hardly believe what was happening. He was marrying JAC NAYLOR. No one on this earth could ever have seen this coming Jac Naylor and Adrian Fletcher. He looked down at the still sleeping Jac next to him in bed.
He laughed out loud at the thought of it.
"What's so funny?" Jac said sleepily. "Hope it was worth waking me up for Fletcher " she snuggled into his bare chest
"I was just thinking of the the craziness of this situation. Us getting married! It's unbelievable"
"Uhuh" mumbled Jac placing featherlight kisses on his chest and stomach
"Oh god" he moaned."that's not fair. I need to get up and sort the kids out"
"Sorry you've always been too sexy in the mornings. And you're right this is all pretty unbelievable. I keep wondering when I'm going to wake up. Anyway you stay in bed and rest I'll sort the kids out"
"We're going to have to tell them at some point?"
"How would you feel about keeping it to ourselves for a couple of days. I love this bubble we're in without people asking where and when and who"
"That is an excellent idea Miss Naylor. It feels even more special if it's just us that know "
"Hey what time do you think you could finish?
"Unless there's any emergencies come in my electives list should be done by 2pm why what did you have in mind?"
"It's just there is this beautiful woman I need meet. Just wanted to make sure you would be out of the way."
She punched him lightly on his arm "Hey" she said
He laughed "I want to go ring shopping. You'll have to come and collect me though. I can't drive with this thing on" he tapped the cast on his lower leg in frustration
"I'll see what I can do" she said and left the bedroom to sort out the brood.
"Ok who volunteers to take Dad a cuppa and some toast?"
"Me", "I'll do it", "no me"
Jac smiled- basically the older ones all wanted to. It was obvious how much they loved their Dad and it made her heart swell with love for all of them
At 2.05pm Jac had finished her theatre list. Normally she would hang around,catch up with paperwork and do post op checks " Ok with you if I get off now" she asked Frieda
"Um yeah sure" Frieda answered in surprise. She had never known Jac to leave early "everything alright?" She questioned
"Perfect" Jac grinned

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now