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She made her way upstairs and quietly entered their room softly closing the door behind her as she saw Fletch lying on top of the bed, asleep still fully clothed. She felt a surge of love for this man
She sat on the bed and slowly stroked his hair
"Hey we're back" she said softly bending to kiss his forehead
"Hi" he said pulling her down beside him for a hug. He held onto her so tightly she could hardly breathe.
"Crappy day?"
"Mmm I've had better. Suddenly just improved though" her smiled
"What's going on?"
" well noro virus on Keller so they're on lock down, 3 nurses have got it so they're out of action and Jenny called today to say that her mum's dying-no one else filled in an availability form for tomorrow night so once again I will be stuck in that place on New Year's Eve. It was supposed to be our first new year together Jac. I'm sorry "
"Hey there will most definitely be others "she said hiding her disappointment
"Kids ok?"
"They're all fine Fletch,for once think about yourself" she began stroking his side "so.....anything I can do to make you feel any better?" She kissed him deeply. A kiss filled with desire but also a wish to make him feel better for a while
Fletch moaned softly "we're wearing too many clothes" he said unbuttoning her shirt
"That's true" she said. Her breath hitched as his hands found their way into her shirt. This was to be slow and loving not the 'frantic ripping clothes off , got to have you right now on the kitchen bench' kind of sex which they sometimes seized the opportunity for in the rare moments when everyone was out
" I love you" she said
"Right back at ya Naylor" he murmured nuzzling her neck

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