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Wait. What did Jac just say
"I'm sorry what?"
"You heard me it's mine"
"Jesus Fletch surely I don't need to spell it out for you"
"I mean when how.."
"The store cupboard" they said in unison
"Oh" said Fletch "we weren't exactly prepared for that were we"
Jac burst into tears and sat on the bed
"At least Evie isn't pregnant " she sniffed
" erm I what are we going to do?" He stuttered
She took a deep breath " there's something you need to know. The last time I had a positive pregnancy test I wasn't actually pregnant. It was an ovarian cyst that had to be operated on. Luckily it wasn't malignant"
"I think I heard something about you collapsing at work. Couple of years ago?"
"Yes must be about that. So I need a scan to see what this is"
"Who was the Dad? I mean if you thought you were pregnant it must have been a possibility "
"Really? That's what you're focussing on?"
"Sorry just curious"
"If you must know it was a one night only mistake with Jonny"
"Oh sorry"
"I'm scared Fletch. If I'm pregnant how will we deal with that? I'm nearly 44 and you're no spring chicken. There could be any number  of things wrong with it. We'd have to decide whether to keep it or not. And how would a baby fit into our lives? I love things as they are"
"We'll cope with whatever happens together."
"I think I'm more concerned that it might be something other than pregnancy. What if it's cancer this time" she looked at Fletch
He had never seen her more scared or vulnerable
He pulled her into a hug and held onto her tightly while she sobbed. He'd never seen her like this. He was scared too
"I've got so much more to lose this time Fletch"
"Jac you're gonna be fine" he tried to reassure her but inside he was so scared. Would life be so cruel to allow him this much happiness and then snatch it all away.

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now