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" right that's those three in bed"said Jac flopping down on the sofa
"So Emma wants to stay here for Christmas because she knows that this is where we live now" she squeezed his hand "and is worried that Santa Claus won't know to go to Jonny's. Oh and apparently barbie thinks that Peppa Pig is stupid so, well, you know she's not popular"
Fletch laughed "I now have an image of a real barbie taking a dislike to Peppa Pig toy story style"
" oh it's all very amusing but i'm not sure that Jonny will be happy with her being here and not seeing her"
"We could invite him round?" He said bracing himself for the backlash
"are you crazy? How the hell's that going to work? "
"It's only a week till Christmas we need to sort it out" I'll text Johnny
Jac reached for her phone - need to discuss Christmas. Meet in Albies tomorrow 6.30? Text me if you can't make it. Jac
"Oh shit can you sort the kids out?"
He chuckled "of course"
Jac looked mortified. " I was just so keen to get this sorted, I didn't think. I really really don't want to take you for granted, take all this for granted. Please don't think I do because I don't"
"Jac" he said sitting up and taking her by the shoulders "it's fine. We're a team aren't we. Allowed to rely on each other from time to time"
"Don't deserve you" Jac murmured as he started to knead her shoulders trying to release some of the tension
Evie and Mikey and for once had an early night and so he and Jac were alone in the living room in the glow of the tree lights
He began to rub her arms, slow sensuous movements that made Jac close her eyes " oh that's so nice"she breathed
"Oh I think we can do better than nice ms Naylor" he said now beginning to move his hands down her body and finding her lips with his own.
" we should move" Jac said
"Just be quiet" he said moving his hand to the button of her jeans
" nurse Fletcher " she groaned softly
" I know" he mumbled back......

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