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She lay listening to the silence in the house only broken by Fletch's gentle snoring. She thought back to last night and felt a shiver down her spine and a redness in her cheeks when she recalled what they got up to on returning from the pub. She felt Fletch stirring beside her
" Hey you" She said. She couldn't pull off the early morning sexiness with that phrase like he could
"Hey you" he smiled sleepily
"Did I ever tell you that when you said that to me on the morning after Emma and I had unexpectedly stayed. It was probably the first time I had some very naughty thoughts about you!" She chuckled
"Mmmm" he shuffled over circling her waist "tell me more ms Naylor"
"What time are the kids back?"
"Well that's romantic - about 11 am"
She glanced at the clock 8.15am
"Ok. I'm not going to tell you I'm going to show you...."
Some time later they got up and ate breakfast together.
"So how much of the hospital will know about this" she regarded her engagement ring "now that Sacha and Essie know"
"Well if I know Essie I'm gonna guess 90% especially if she's told Dom Copeland" he grinned "doesn't seem to bother you like it used to"
"Nope - check me out I'm engaged to Adrian Fletcher"
"now that is something I would have bet quite a lot of money against ever hearing"
Jac received a text
"Congratulations to you both Frieda told me the good news. Love Elliott"
" Elliott. So Frieda knows!"
Another text "Dom just told me your news Jac, got to say I'm shocked but so happy for you, I'll drop in on you next time I come to see Ollie. Love zosia"
"Jungle drums really working overtime - that was zosia. Did I ever tell you that I got those two together?"
" no" he said coming up behind her and gently putting his hands on her shoulders and massaging. "Never had you down as a Cupid Naylor"
"Oh yeah regular match maker me"
" how'd you do it then?" He continued to massage her shoulders
" mmmm that feels nice. Anyway it was so obvious how they felt about each other, they'd been flirting and dancing around each other for months but one morning I walked in on a massive row in the middle of the ward. The gist of it , I gathered was , that they had shared a Christmas kiss or something, Ollie panicked and went to Mexico I think without a word. Well, I told Zosia that I could offer her a research post in Edinburgh - that didn't really exist but she had to decide by the end of the day hence forcing Ollie to do something or lose her forever blah de blah. The rest as they say is history. Ollie realised and thanked me. I of course denied my evil plot" Fletch circled her waist and turned her to face him.
"You're just a big old romantic at heart Jac Naylor"
"Don't breathe a word to anyone"she whispered conspiratorially

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now