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"What was jonny saying? And why the hell did you invite him in for a beer?"
"Because my little Rottweiler it's much easier to get what you want if you play nice" said Fletch
" urrgh" she rolled her eyes" god I hate it when you're right - so what did he say?"
"Well I think you need to speak to him about Christmas arrangements for Emma"
" what does he want?"
" I don't know, I get the impression that he's a bit under the barbie thumb and she will make the decision "
"You wanna bet? She's my daughter and I will 'discuss' it with her father and no one else" Jac fumed
" ok ok don't shoot the messenger" he laughed
" I'm sorry Fletch" she exhaled."l'll ring him tomorrow. Why does everything have to be so difficult all the time?"
" hey that's a bit of an exaggeration - we're not difficult are we?""
"No we're not just everything around us" she touched his hand gently
"That's life Jac. It'd be boring if there weren't some dramas "
She smiled and stroked his face gently - I need to go and give Emma a bath, I'll do Theo and Ella after but I just want a little bit of Mummy and Emma time before anybody has any mummy Jac time"
"Ok babe. Don't forget that I need some mummy Jac time later as well" he kissed her on her forehead as she headed off to find her daughter
"Come on monkey bath time "
"Aw mummy I playing"
" I know. I'll just make a quick call to Santa Claus to see if it's ok to miss" she got her phone out. Emma looked horrified " Mummy mummy don't i coming"
" well ok just this once I won't tell him. Off you go and get some clean pj s" Emma skipped off.
" sneaky" commented Evie looking up from her book
" I know" said Jac grinning

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