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They settled into busy family life together. Fletch was sitting in his office with a stupid grin on his face remembering last night with Jac "you don't know what you do to me Naylor" he said to himself. He shook his head.
His daydream was interrupted by his phone ringing "Adrian Fletcher "
"Mr Fletcher this is the crèche- nothing to worry about. As you know we're under new management and we need parents to come down and check their emergency contact details at your earliest convenience "
"Oh ok I'll pop down now. Thanks"
Fletch opened his office to find Jac just about to knock
" Christ you nearly gave me a heart attack" he said
Jac screamed at the same time. Then they both laughed. He pulled her close "what you after Ms Naylor?"
"Well I'm guessing you had a call from creepy crèche guy.If you're free shall we go down together. It's the continuation of operation ' I don't care you knows about us'" she smiled
Fletch chuckled " you only find the guy from the crèche creepy because he fancies you and who could blame him?" He kissed her
She shuddered " he makes my skin crawl"
"I will be continuing operation ' can't believe my luck have you SEEN Jac Naylor '"

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now