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Fletch woke early. He smiled as Jac had an arm laid over his chest. He considered how their lives had changed and come together since he got the director of nursing job actually. The amount of love he felt for her was overwhelming and he didn't know how much longer he could go without telling her. Just take it one day at time he told himself.
As much as he wanted to lie here all day they all had to get up.
He started to stroke her arm to wake her up. She started to open her eyes.
"Hey you"
"Ugh you're too sexy when you say that in a sleepy voice"
Fletch chuckled "well let's explore that on a day when we don't have to get up but today is not that day I'm afraid. Come on sleepy head
Whilst they were all having breakfast Fletch brought up the work issue
"So listen now the kids know and probably the crèche have a fair idea. What is the problem with other people knowing about us at work"
"I've got a reputation to uphold"
" and I would ruin that would I " he said nuzzling her neck
" I don't know. Maybe it's too soon or not how people see me "
"You mean non human , heart of stone ice queen. You forget Naylor you no longer scare me but you still put the fear of god into other people and just cos you're a bit softer with me you're still scary to everyone else"
"Thanks " she said flatly
"Aww come on you know what I mean. If you're not ready I'm fine with that" he said kissing her lightly
" Maybe j just want to keep you to myself a bit longer ok?"
He wasn't sure about that explanation but things seemed to be working well at home so he could wait

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