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Jesus - Fletch wants me to move in with him. Can't see a reason not to. Maybe I could keep my place on in case it all goes wrong or do I need to just go for it. Jac was trying to make sense of all this going round in her head
"Wait" she said reaching for his hand
He looked into her eyes and she saw worry and love
"Fletch sit back down. You can't ask me that and then go to walk out" he nodded
"First of all I love you. Took me a
while to admit that to myself but there it is. Second it took us a long time to get together because we were scared of making a mess of it, caring too much? Anyway we've pretty much got over that but I still can't believe I've been so lucky and so a very small part of me thinks it could all crash round our ears"
Fletch stayed silent but looked gutted
She continued " I would love nothing more than to move in with you but would you feel ok if I kept my place on for a few months just to make sure. I'm sorry this is about my insecurity and not being able to believe my luck it's absolutely not a reflection of how I feel about you or the kids"
Fletch closed his eyes and put his head back
Oh god thought Jac what is he thinking

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now