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She was snowed under with, what was in her opinion, pointless paperwork. She was just considering going to get herself a coffee when there was a knock on the door
"Come in Fletch" She smiled at how she knew it was him just by his knock. He appeared with two coffees
"Frieda said that you had a report to do for Serena - thought I'd come and force you to have a break and bring you some coffee"
She chuckled "how do you do it Fletcher. How you know I was just about to get myself a coffee. It's like you can read my thoughts. It's actually a bit sinister"
Fletch responded with an evil laugh, he put the coffee down and went over to where she was sat at her desk "I can control your mind Ms Naylor" he said . She stood up and put her hands on his waist. She raised an eyebrow "ok mystic meg. What am I thinking right now?" He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples pretending to read her mind " you want to go over to the sofa and kiss your fiancé" She smiled and kissed him deeply before he opened his eyes. "Good guess, but the sofa is too far away"
They made their way to the sofa now,coffee forgotten. Eventually Jac pulled away " we've got to stop doing this" she said standing up and straightening her scrub top "one of these days bloody Hansen or someone is gonna walk in"
"We've got away with it so far" Fletch states. "Anyway that wasn't the reason I came to see you really"
"Oh?" Said Jac finally taking a sip of her coffee
"I got a call from Lexi. She is going on sabbatical for a year in 3 weeks time so if we want her to marry us it's in the next 3 weeks or next year"
"Right. Wow that doesn't give us long to organise it but I don't want to wait until next year"
"Me neither" he smiled "I'll call her this afternoon and get an idea of some dates"
"Ok babe thanks for the coffee"
"Thanks for an unexpected cheeky interlude Ms Naylor"
"My pleasure Mr Fletcher" she grinned
He laughed out loud as he left her office to go back on the ward
Christ Jac thought . How am I going to pull this off?
After she had finished her work she called in to see Ollie Valentine as she tried to do a couple of times a week. He was very slowly improving but  his memory was patchy - interestingly he had always been able to remember her
"Valentine" she said sitting down
"Jac" he nodded in greeting "how's things with you?"
"Well seems like I'm getting married sometime in the next 3 weeks!" She laughed
Ollie chuckled "ha. Never thought you'd get to this point. I mean no offence but your track record wouldn't exactly lead anyone to believe you'd be getting married. Fletch must like a challenge eh"
"Well that's charming. Anyway I'm going to ask Zosia if she can make it - you ok with that?"
He looked sad "it's up to her Jac. I don't think my opinion really has any bearing on what she does or doesn't do now"
"I'm sure that's not the case. You're invited too. We're getting married in the hospital chapel so  even if you're still stuck in here you'll have no excuse"
"Oh don't worry I wouldn't miss it for the world. Ice queen Naylor getting married? I have to see it to believe it"

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now