Jac + Fletch - the wedding

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I think this will probably be the last instalment of this fanfic. I've been running out of ideas and I think there's only so many dramas that would happen in one family. I don't want it to become boring.
It's been my first fanfic and I thank you for the great response and amazing amount of views
Hope you enjoy this last chapter
It was the night before the wedding and Fletch was on his way to stay at Sacha's for the night
He was standing in the hall, his hands on Jac's waist "this is a ridiculous tradition that we don't see each other the night before the wedding" he kissed her forehead
"I know but we've come through so much to get to this point I don't want to take any chances" she smiled
"Ok" he said resignedly "now don't stand me up tomorrow, once is enough for that" he said referring to Colette leaving him on their wedding day
"Not a chance Fletcher. You don't get rid of me that easily"
"I'm so happy about that. Ok I'll see you tomorrow at 2pm. I love you"
"You will and I love you too"
They kissed each other deeply and then he left
He'd taken Mikey  his 'best man' with him. Everyone else had stayed at their house and Jac had invited Zosia and Essie round too.
Jac was showered and changed into her pyjamas. As she brushed her fiery locks she looked at her wedding dress hanging on the back of the door. Until today it had been in a black dress cover so Fletch didn't know what to expect.
The dress was fitted ivory lace and finished in a fish tail and small train.
While she brushed her hair Jac reminisced about her relationship with Fletch from colleagues , to friends, to lovers,to partners and now to husband and wife. They'd come through the shooting, the deaths of Jasmine and Raf, his accident, her ectopic pregnancy and all the mini dramas of moving in together and joining their family's together.
At the end of the marriage ceremony they had asked Lexi to say a few words about the adoptions and Emma taking on the Fletcher name.
"Jac, Zosia and Essie are here" called Evie
"Ok, I'm coming "
Downstairs Essie and Zosia were already opening a bottle of prosecco in the kitchen. Jac quickly checked that the kids were sorted in the living room
"Blimey Jac Naylor mother of 5" laughed Zosia as Jac entered the kitchen
"I know. Who knew! I'm not exactly the maternal type but we seem to get by. Anyway how are you Mrs high flyer at Yale?"
"It's Ok. I'm missing home still. Missing Ollie. I hurt him when I left but he loved me enough to let me go and then I published the paper under the name of 'Self'' that really hurt him."
"And then he got shot" said Jac. All three women sat around the table had been irreversibly and devastatingly affected by the shooting. Essie a widow, Zosia with a husband who sometimes didn't remember her or their past and Jac with the painful physical and emotional scars.
"How are you Essie?" Asked Zosia. "So cruel when you'd only been together such a short time"
" it's hard but I think it's gradually getting easier. Let's talk about you though Jac" Essie said wanting to change the subject " how did he do it?"
"Do what?" Jac asked
"Melt the ice queen" said Essie emboldened by the prosecco. She wouldn't normally dare to call Jac the ice queen to her face
Jac laughed, not offended " sheer bloody mindedness and persistence. He was always there, before the shooting, during my recovery he basically never left my bedside he was always there to help me, catch me if I fell. We spent a bit more time together, the kids got on well and the rest as they say is history"
"Wow. You're really loved up aren't you Jac" Zosia stated
Jac blushed "cringey as it is, yes I am" just then the doorbell went, she thought heralding the pizzas ordered, but when she opened the door she couldn't believe her eyes - it was Elliott Hope her one time mentor
"Elliott" she cried happily and gave him a huge hug. "When did you ...how did you. Oh it doesn't matter come in. You've gatecrashed a mini hen do"
She led him into the kitchen
"Professor Hope" Essie and zosia exclaimed in unison
"Hello" he chuckled "I'll not stop. I'm only here for a couple of days, I absolutely could not miss this and I'm staying with, mo, Derwood and little hector"
"At least have a glass of fizz" Zosia said pouring one out
Meanwhile at Sacha's the boys had just finished their takeaway curry.
"So Fletch, tell me what's it like to be marrying the ice queen" asked Sacha
Fletch grinned "I don't see her like that. All I saw when I started working on Darwin was a scared little girl who had built her defences so high and so deep to protect herself that it was nearly impossible to break them down but I really wanted to Sacha so I was 'irritatingly persistent' I think she once called me."
"There's many tried before Fletch but there's only you succeeded"
"Not even Jonny, the father of her child"
"Not even Jonny and now she's mother to 5" Sacha  laughed "she would have punched anybody's  lights out for suggesting that 2 yrs ago"
Eventually the bride and groom went to bed In their respective houses.
Jac found it more strange being in their bed. She hadn't been alone in this bed since he'd had his accident. She remembered how lonely and scared she'd been at that time and thanked her lucky stars that he had made a full recovery.
The next day after the flurry of hairdressers and make up artists it was soon time to go.
Sacha rang the bell "your carriages await m'lady"
Jac looked out at the silver ghost vintage Rolls Royce and the vintage Bentley. She and Sacha would travel in the Rolls  with Theo and the others, along with Fletch's mum,who had arrived at 5am to start helping with the kids,would travel in the Bentley. Picking up her bouquet and shepherding, Evie, Ella,Emma and Theo, Jac took Sacha's arm and got into the car
Sacha squeezed her hand when they arrived at the door of the hospital chapel. You ready to do this hun?"
She gulped "I know I love him so yeah I'm ready"
"Let me just pop in and check everything is ready to go"
He was back out in a flash
"Ok. There's loads of people managed to make it Jac and Fletch is at the front waiting  for you"
After one final Sacha Levy bear hug they walked down the short aisle to 'At last ' by Etta James
Jac focussed on Fletch standing next to Mikey. When she finally stood next to him he took her hand and whispered "you look beautiful"
Lexi began the service and soon it was time for them to say their vows
"I understand that Jac and Adrian have written their own vows so if we could hear from Adrian first
" please call me Fletch. Jac only ever calls me Adrian when I'm in trouble" that got a laugh from those gathered in the hospital chapel and even Jac cracked a smile
"That smile" he began "was all I ever wanted to be the cause of when we first met. If I could make her smile then a little bit of her defences came down. I know that she thinks I was irritatingly persistent but look at her" he faced Jac "who wouldn't want to fight for that. I promise to carry on loving you, looking after you and our family until the day I die or until you get sick of me" again everyone laughed "it's really very simple Jac I love you, you are everything to me" he squeezed the hand he was holding. There were tears in both their eyes
"How am I supposed to follow that" said Jac. More laughter from the congregation
"Fletch, I told you once you ground me. You make me feel safe and yes you did wear me down. I know I am described as the ice queen and I relish that reputation, however you took that as a challenge, saw past my defences and made it your mission to knock them down. And  Fletch, I'm so glad you did. You will never know how happy you have made me and I can't find the words to express how much I love you, how much I need you."
"I can now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" said Lexi leading the applause as they shared a kiss. Fletch whispered in Jac's ear "I love you Mrs Fletcher"
"Can I have you attention for just a couple of moments" said Lexi "before we head off to Albies. Could all the Fletcher children come to the front please"
In a couple of minutes the 5 children were there. Emma chose to hold Fletch's hand.  Ella and Theo held Jac's. Fletch had his arm round Mikey and Evie had her arm round Jac's waist
"This family that you see before you has been through some difficult times and they have made a commitment to each other by adopting each other's children and taking the same name" they all beamed and once again everybody clapped
The wedding party moved to Albies
"Hey Mrs Fletcher. How are you doing"
"I'm great Mr Fletcher , how are you?"
"Absolutely never better Jac. Never better" he kissed her briefly "looking forward to tonight" he said in a low whisper next to her ear.
Their private moment was interrupted by Sacha tapping his glass to get everyone's attention
"Ladies and gentlemen please raise your glasses to the new Mr and Mrs Fletcher"

                           The End

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