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"Hi, I'm back - we can leave the little ones in the crèche til 6.30. Ella's gone for tea at Hannah's house and Evie is happy to walk home with Mikey . Fletch where are you we should get going"
She found him sitting at the dining table scrolling through pictures on his phone. There were tears in his eyes, he looked so sad
"Hey" she said " What's wrong?" She rubbed his back as she sat down
"Oh sorry, didn't hear you come in. I'm being silly.."
"About ...?"
He showed her the picture on his phone. It was a daft selfie of him and Raf in the pub pulling faces
"Best man" he said simply "would always have been him. You know when he ran off and married Essie?"
She nodded
"Well I knew. Sworn to secrecy. He rang me to apologise that I wouldn't be able to be his best man but that I was with them in spirit and we talked about what would have been in my speech. I just can't believe he's dead Jac"
"I know, I know" she held him. Softly stroking his back "I know it sounds trite but he'll be there in spirit at our wedding"
"Thank you for understanding. Turns out the ice queen really does have a heart" he smiled
"Come on" he said " I want to focus on something good. Let's get you a ring Naylor"
They headed to a number of jewellers, Fletch using his crutches nevertheless insisted on going to all the shops so they could make sure, but Jac already had her heart set on the first ring they'd seen. A simple,understated rectangle solitaire diamond on a platinum band. Eventually they visited the first shop again and settled on the two chairs in front of the small table. The assistant brought the ring out and presented it on a velvet cushion. The assistant placed it on Jac's finger. She and Fletch were overwhelmed, speechless they both stared at the ring and then stared at each other. The assistant subtly cleared her throat.
"Sorry" said Fletch "we err we'd like this one?"
He looked at Jac for confirmation. She nodded
"Certainly. I just need to check for size and order it in for you" she smiled. "You look very happy together" "we are" they said together

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