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Surgery was booked for the next day. In all honesty neither slept much, instead holding on to each other all night
They told the younger kids that mummy had a poorly tummy and the doctors would help make her better
Fletch's mum Julia had agreed to come and stay for a few days to make sure that Fletch could go to work and be by her bedside whenever possible, the kids could maintain their routine and she could help around the house when Jac was discharged.
"Ok everyone we're off now. Hugs" Fletch ordered
The 5 kids all piled onto Jac "Hey I might see you later or tomorrow" Jac managed to keep her voice bright and breezy. She felt anything but.
They arrived at the hospital and checked in.
"Hi" said Sacha wearing his theatre scrubs not a crazy shirt "how you feeling?"
"I'm ok" Jac said unconvincingly "Sacha can you check my notes and make sure that Fletch is down as next of kin" she looked at Fletch with questioning eyes
He simply kissed her briefly and then she was taken into theatre. She had categorically banned him from observing. He was not sure he wanted to see the woman who had become his world being cut open anyway
He knew logically that most operations are safe but things can go wrong and he had had to explain to many a relative that there had been a bad reaction to the anaesthetic or there had been unforeseen complications of the actual surgery - bleeds, condition being worse than expected . He tried not to let his mind work overdrive in this vein but instead tried to keep busy. Checking his pager or mobile every two minutes and despite his best efforts being completely distracted. Eventually he gave up and went to his office to check a few e mails
- appointment for social services to come and see them all next week
- an email from Lexi saying that she would be delighted to perform the ceremony
- on line booking form from the chaplaincy
He realised that he had not told Jac about any of these plans. They did he reflected look as if he fully expected her to die. The thought made him feel physically sick.
He checked his watch - this was taking much much longer than anticipated.
He decided to go down to theatre. Although she had told him in no uncertain terms that he was not allowed to observe he figured she wouldn't know if he did.

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now