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She looked so upset. He just wanted to wrap her up in his love and shield her from any more hurt.
"Wanna tell me about it?" He said
She sniffed "well the good news is he congratulated me on our engagement" she gave the smallest of smiles and he squeezed her hand, silently encouraging her to go on
"He's not happy about the adoption and changing name thing. I mean I get where he's coming from and I did say that I didn't have any intention of dying anytime soon. I told him that if I died I would want Emma to be in familiar surroundings where she was surrounded by people who loved her....and who had loved me so she could be comforted and hear stories about me. He didn't understand why she shouldn't go to her biological dad. I reassured him that nothing would change how much he saw her." Jac cringed "I might have said that I didn't think Mel would be particularly comforting"
Fletch let out the breath he didn't realise he'd been holding "How did you leave it?"
"Well he said he needed time to think and stormed out"
"Need a hug?" She nodded
"Hey now Jonny knows about the engagement we'd better tell the kids in case he tells Emma before we get the chance. You up for bursting our little bubble"
" I guess real life had to come in somewhere along the line" she reached into her bag and pulled out the navy blue box
" Can I put it on you ? He asked
" of course" she smiled
Fletch went up the stairs on his back side and she helped him to his feet at top. They made their way to Evie's room where a game of mousetrap was in full flow. They stood quietly at the door just as Emma won the right to turn the crank to set off the trap. The others laughed and screamed as it was set off. Jac and Fletch hugged each other tightly drinking in the sight of their family.
Cheers and clapping as Mikey and Ella's mice were trapped
"Hey kids" said Fletch
"Hey Dad"
"We have news" he looked at Jac then back at them. He grinned "we're getting married"
Evie jumped up and batted her Dad in the arm - "see I told you she wouldn't laugh in your face"
Fletch chuckled "yeah you were right" Evie hugged them both. "I need to go and ring Georgia" Evie's friend was the biggest fletch and Jac 'shipper'
"Oh" Evie stopped and turned back. "Let me see the ring. Wow it's gorgeous"
Mikey announced "that's cool"
"Mummy can me and Ella be bridesmaids?" Jac bent down and hugged the two young girls "of course you can"
Theo didn't really know what was happening but enjoyed seeing everyone hugging and smiling

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