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He didn't know how long he'd been sitting staring at a 'nurses do it better' mug. He was trying to ignore his thoughts which were going to very dark places.
The door opened
"Fletch come on she's out of surgery" said Kelly
He nodded and silently followed her
"The internal sutures didn't hold, apparently it was very easy to repair. Ms Campbell was amazing"
He made his way to Jac's bedside. Tears pricked his eyes as he took in her small frame covered in leads and tubes
"Fletch" he turned round to see Serena holding out her arms for a hug
He fell into her arms and let the tears come
"Oh Fletch" Serena said rubbing his back. "Come on sit down"
They both sat by Jac's bed
" so I go away for a few months and come back to find you and the Ice Queen together. Didn't see that one coming"
He smiled "me either -
but she's everything to me Serena"
"She's going to be fine you know. I hear you're engaged and living together. I hope she treats you right Fletch she can have a cruel streak"
He understood where Serena was coming from
"That's just it Serena. She doesn't need that defence with me. I think for the first time in her life she feels safe, feels like she belongs and has someone that wants to protect her and take care of her"
"Yes it's been Jac Naylor against the world for a long time" she patted his knee "I'm off then. Sure she'll be awake soon"
Fletch was exhausted but he was determined to be there when she woke up. He sat back in the chair and closed his eyes for a minute. The emotional rollercoaster that he had been riding for the past few days had taken it's toll and he fell into a light sleep.
A couple of hours later Jac slowly opened her eyes and seeing Fletch asleep beside her bed tugged at her heart strings. He's been through so much she thought. WE'VE been through so much she corrected herself.
He shuffled and opened his eyes to find her staring at him. He saw such love in those eyes.
"Welcome back" he said leaning forward to take her hand "gave me another fright Naylor"
"Did I?" She said, still a bit muddled from the anaesthetic
"Your internal stitches didn't hold, you were bleeding internally they rushed you back to theatre" his voice thick with emotion "I thought I'd lost you Jac"
"Hey don't Fletch" She tenderly stroked his knuckles as he fought back the tears
"Look at me you've turned me into a jibbering wreck"
"It's a gift" she laughed softly but quickly winced in pain. " I'll get someone to get you some analgesia"
"Thanks babe but then will you please go home. I'm worried at how shattered you look"
"I'm fine" he yawned proving her point
Jac raised an eyebrow
"Ok ok I'll go if only to avoid the Naylor death stare" he kissed her lightly on the lips.

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now