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She stood with a definite tear in her eye and lump in her throat. Nursing a mug of hot chocolate she watched Evie and Fletch wrestling to get the Christmas tree upright and straight. They had been to a local wood selling trees that morning and argued for half an hour about which one to get. Jac kept out of the argument. She had never had a real Christmas tree in her life. Any would be fine with her.
This was a Fletcher family tradition and although she was completely accepted she stayed on the side lines not wanting to intrude but the scene plucked at her heart strings. Emma was with Jonny so it really was just her as the outsider
"Jac can you tell whether this is straight. My dad is absolutely useless " said Evie
" Hey" said Fletch offended "go and get the lights and baubles down madam. Jac and I will sort this.
"Ok keep you hair on"
Jac approached the precarious tree to help Fletch
" you ok" he asked from behind the branches
" fine"
" well you looked on the verge of tears over there." He observed "There how's that?"
Fletch stepped back from the tree
" that looks pretty good to me " she smiled
"So" he joined her in front of the tree, putting his arm round her "you gonna tell me what's up" he squeezed her shoulders
" honestly it's nothing. Happy tears at your lovely family scene and tradition and stinging tears at never having this " she gestured to the Christmas tree and associated mess "ever in my life"
"Well this is yours now Jac" he was overwhelmed by the love he felt for this woman and wished he could take away the years of neglect and the years of her pushing everyone away.
"What did you do last year?" Fletch asked
" well since Emma was born, jonny and I put our differences aside at Christmas. He usually Stays at mine on Christmas Eve so we can see her in the morning "
"Well that clearly can't happen this year" said Fletch feeling a pang of jealousy that jonny had once been with Jac
She laughed "I know, I've got you he's got the barbie doll"
" you're not jealous of Melanie are you?" fletch asked only half joking
" you are kidding!"she laughed . A genuine belly laugh. He loved her a little bit more if that was possible
" we'll sort it" he said pulling her in for a lingering kiss
"For god sake you two you're like lovesick teenagers" exclaimed Evie appearing with the lights and baubles
"Sorry"said Jac
"What she means is, I'm irresistible . Please get the others do we can decorate the hell out of this thing "
Evie rolled her eyes at Jac "what do you see in him!" But went off to get the others

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now