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She had given it a lot of thought. She began thinking along these lines when Fletch had his accident and she was sitting waiting with Evie and trying to reassure her that everything would be ok. Jac had no idea what would have happened if Fletch had died,
The little ones were calling her mummy Jac. Fletch was right though there was one sticking point - Jonny
The ring came into the shop a week later and trying it on made her heart swell with love. She obviously couldn't wear it at work but out of work it would never be taken off. Today though, for now it stayed in the box
She had asked if jonny could stay for a cuppa when he dropped Emma off. She would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous . The doorbell went
"Hi mummy" said Emma.
"Everybody is playing a game in Evie's room why don't you run up" Fletch was at physio
"Come in, I'll put the kettle on" she turned to the kitchen and jonny followed
" so what was it you wanted to talk to me about?"
"Well a couple of things. Firstly Fletch and I are engaged. We haven't told the kids or anyone else yet"
"Well I can't say I'm surprised. Erm well congratulations"
Jac handed him his mug of tea " thanks" "there's something else. You know when Fletch had his accident? Well it got me thinking what would have happened to his kids if he'd died" even saying the words made her feel sick "I'm going to apply to adopt Fletch's four and I want him to apply to adopt Emma. It wouldn't change how often you see her"
" hang on so you're telling me if you died you don't want Emma to come and live with her biological father you want her to stay here with your lover and his kids?"said jonny angrily
" I know it's a lot to take in but this is home for her now and if I died I would want her to stay in familiar surroundings with people who love her ....and who loved me so that they could share memories and comfort each other" it felt strange talking about herself being loved and missed by a whole family if she died but it was true. " I'm not sure Mel would be that comforting. No offence. Other than on paper nothing would change in terms of how much you see her and I'm not actually planning to die" she forced a smile. I might as well tell him the whole story she thought as he remained silent "and I want to change her name to Fletcher Maconie"
Jonny was silent for what seemed an age
"Jesus Jac I need time to think" and with that he left slamming the door.
Half an hour later Fletch came in. The cast was off now and he was wearing a moon boot but still needed crutches. His shoulder was a lot better with the physio and all in all he was feeling good. He walked in whistling and stopped abruptly when he saw Jac at the kitchen table looking upset
"You saw jonny then" he placed a kiss on top of her head " wanna tell me about it"

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