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"Shit" she sat in the bathroom looking at a positive pregnancy test. Another sharp pain wrenched through her abdomen. I need to book a scan she thought
It was a weekend so she wouldn't be able to book until Monday. No point worrying Fletch til she knew she reasoned.
She decided to keep things as normal as possible
"You ready Evie, Ella,Emma" they were going bridesmaid dress shopping
" see you later boys"
"Ok" they answered all engrossed in the PlayStation. Fletch and Mikey playing. Theo watching the screen
The girls had a lovely afternoon. The two smaller one's getting matching flower girl dresses from monsoon. Jac and Evie still not decided on theirs
Whilst they were out Fletch had eventually dragged himself away from the PlayStation and was cleaning the bathroom.Whistling he marvelled at how happy he was because of Jac even when he was cleaning toilets. He emptied the bin and abruptly stopped whistling. A positive pregnancy test.
"I'll bloody kill him" thought Fletch. He was like a caged animal. "How do I broach this?" He wanted to shout and scream but common sense told him that wouldn't help. Just then the girls came back
" I need to speak to Jac" he thought
"Hey i'm up here. Jac can I borrow you for a second?"he shouted down
"Aw he must have missed you over the past 3 hrs" said Evie cheekily
Jac gave her the death stare. Evie laughed which made Jac giggle. Seriously,no one in this family was scared of her!
"Ok coming "
She found him pacing round the bedroom.
"Hey what's wrong?"
"Evie's pregnant"
"What?" She saw the test in his hand
" I found this. I'm gonna kill that boy. She's 14 Jac it's going to ruin her life"
"Fletch" she tried to interrupt him but he carried on
"What about exams, who's gonna look after it?"
"Fletch" she said a little louder
"She knows better than this she's a clever girl I didn't even know they were 'doing it'"
"FLETCHER" she shouted. He paused to look at her " That's not Evie's " she pointed to the test " it's mine"

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now