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Jac tried to steady her breathing. You can do this, you can do this, you can do this. This is not me, this is not me, this is not me . The internal battle going on in her head was exhausting.
Jac was sitting in her own living room waiting for the estate agent to come round, value the house and take pictures for the sales details.
It had been six months since she moved in with Fletch and true to her word she was preparing to emphatically end her fierce independence and allow herself to fully commit to someone else.
She reasoned that the past 6 months had been some of the happiest of her life. No,they had been THE happiest of her life. She had no regrets moving in with Fletch but this was very symbolic. She knew long before now that she wouldn't be coming back here although they hadn't openly discussed it. It was Fletch's birthday next week and she planned to gift wrap a copy of the house details with a ribbon saying for sale on it.
The estate agent was late which was agitating Jac as she had to be back at work ASAP
Back on the ward.
" do you know where Jac is?" Freida asked Fletch
"Erm no I assumed she was with you. Probably in the loo"
After she hadn't returned after 30minutes Fletch texted her
"Hey Naylor. Ward falling to bits without you. Where you at?
Love F x
Jac looked down at her phone. Options were to lie, own up and spoil the surprise or ignore the text. Jac picked option 3. "Where is this bloody estate agent" she fumed

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now