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New student nurses today. Better warn them to steer clear of Jac. She'd been feeling tired and not 100%. And ill Jac was more acerbic than normal. I think I'll warn her too he thought.
He knocked on her office door
"I'm busy Fletch" He entered anyway
"How do you know it's me just from my knock. Are you a witch?" He joked
She raised an eyebrow a look that made lesser men crumble
" probably because you spend more time in here annoying me than doing your work"
"Oh you love it" he could see the beginnings of a smile play on her lips "anyway I just came to warn you that there are 3 new student nurses on the ward today. First years green as anything. Go easy on them"
She rolled her eyes " if they stay out of my way they will be fine"
" ok your highness" he bounded to the desk in one leap and kissed her quickly on the lips and scurried away before she could berate him for it.
She smiled as he closed the door how did he still have the ability to reduce her to the level of a soppy teenager. Jac sipped some water to try and quell the feeling of nausea which had been hanging round her for a couple of days. That and being so tired had led her to buy a pregnancy test this morning but she had so far been too scared to take it, last time she thought she was pregnant it had turned out to be an ovarian cyst which had required emergency surgery.
"Later" she said to herself. The sickness was passing and she was ready to face the ward.
That afternoon she was walking past the nurses station where a gaggle of student nurses were chatting
" I would" said one of them " he's so nice.Sexy as well"
Jac busied herself with some files and carried on listening to them
"wonder if he's married or anything" one said
"Would it matter"said another. "You know what hospitals are like. Everyone's at it all the time"
Jac smirked- if her office walls could talk.
"Well the DoN would definitely be a step up from the last loser you dated"
0h my god "they're talking about Fletch" she smirked to herself, quickly returning to her office and placing her engagement ring on her finger. Slipping back to the nurses station unnoticed she listened to see if the conversation had moved on
"Did you see his buns of steel though" one said Jac agreed. Fletch did have a great backside
"I like his forearms. He looks so strong"
Jac rolled her eyes "Jesus" how am I going to play this she thought
One of them began describing in graphic detail what she would do to him and where. Trying to come up with a plan to make it happen. The others were giggling.
Right I've heard enough thought Jac
" hi girls couldn't help overhearing" she said sweetly . The girls stopped talking abruptly. This was 'ice queen' Jac Naylor?
"Adrian's so dreamy isn't he?"
The girls just looked at her terrified to speak
"He gave me this a few months ago" she showed them her engagement ring
They all looked horrified and noticed her facial expression change
"I er, we er, we're sorry we didn't know"
Jac cut her off "save it Florence." She leaned closer to them and lowered her voice which was even more menacing " if I EVER hear any of you talking about my fiancé like that again I will personally make sure that none of you will be completing your nursing studies. Do I make myself clear?"
Fletch caught the last few minutes of this exchange. He couldn't hear exactly what had been said but he could tell by Jac's expression and tone of her voice that they weren't swapping beauty tips.
Jac returned to her office, leaving the three girls looking pale and shell shocked
He followed her in.
" I thought I asked you to go easy on them?" He said slightly annoyed
"Well" she stood before him with her hands in her hips " I would have had they not been talking about how much they fancied you and what they were going to do to you and where"
He blushed "oh"
"Yes oh" she said more softly " I couldn't stand by and listen when they were making plans to seduce you"
He laughed " I'm old enough to be their dad. They're only a few years older than Evie, and you know I wouldn't cheat on you especially not with silly little girls. Not with anyone.Why would i when I have you" he approached her and enveloped her in a hug.
" I know you wouldn't cheat" Jac realised that this was the first time in her life that she truly trusted someone totally "I just didn't want them discussing you like that"she smirked "I'm the only one allowed to tell you that you have a nice arse and 'strong forearms'" she said the last bit in a girly voice
"Cringey. Out of interest, future Mrs Fletcher" he said spying the ring on her finger " what did you say to them? They were truly terrified "
She laughed " I identified myself as your fiancé and told them that if I ever heard them speaking about you like that again I would personally make sure they would not be completing their nursing degree"
He chuckled "you don't have that power"
"Try me! Probably not but they don't know that"
"Anyway" he pulled her closer " what did they want to do to me" he said nuzzling her neck
She reached up and whispered what they had said.
Fletch raised his eyebrow "blimey the youth of today" he added in a lower, sexier voice "fancy trying any of that later"
" Hmm we'll see" she said feeling a little tingly at the thought " Now go,and try not to be so sexy" she slapped his 'buns of steel' as he left

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now