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Now the idea was firmly in his head, Fletch was even more sure that he wanted this
" how's your head beautiful " said Fletch entering Jac's office near the end of her shift.
She gave him a look of derision " I'm fine"
"I come bearing coffee" he produced 2 cups from behind his back
Jac's face softened a little. He was irritatingly nice to her. But she secretly loved it
" how do you do it?"
"What?" He said sitting on the sofa patting the seat next to him for her to join him
"You always know what will make me feel better" she said taking the cup from him and sitting down
"Aww that's my super power and it makes my day when I can get you to crack a smile. It always did" he said putting his arm round her and squeezing her shoulders
Jac kicked off her shoes and drew her knees up, leaning into Fletch
Was this the situation to ask her. Oh just go for it Fletch he thought to himself
"So I was thinking of getting a bunk bed for Ella's room to make it easier with Emma in there" he paused
"Erm Yeah?" Jac said tentatively her heart suddenly beating very fast
"And I was thinking of having a clear out of my wardrobe and drawers"
" uhuh" oh my god
" do you not see where I'm going with this?" Fletch looked down at Jac
"You think I should move in with you?" She needed to be sure that that was really what he was asking
"Look Naylor I love you so much it scares me sometimes and I just want to be with you whenever I can, if you need time to think I understand but I'm not gonna stop asking till you say yes. I want to live together in the chaos of kids and dirty washing but love and laughter" he took a breath. "Well there I've said it" he got up to leave
"Wait" said Jac reaching for his hand

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now