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"Ms Naylor, looking lovely as usual" said creepy crèche guy. Jac gave him a death stare. "Where are the forms?"she snapped
Fletch stood behind her trying not to laugh. So pleased I'm not on the receiving end of that anymore he thought.
They both took their children's file and a new form and went to sit at the half sized chairs and desks.
" uugghh he really is repulsi..."she stopped short as she noticed Fletch staring at the file. He had gone white and looked shaky
"What is it ?" She gently touched his arm
He didn't reply
Jac looked down at the file. Fletch's existing emergency contact was Raf.
"Oh" she stroked his back "fletch I'm sorry"
" I forgot Jac. When we lived with him it made sense to put him down. He was like a second dad to them all. I should have changed it"
Things had been so happy between them it was easy to block out the horrific events of that night. Events without which they wouldn't be together. They had begun to fall in love during those dark days of Jac's recovery.
Jac reached for his hand "I don't know what to say love"
" I feel guilty for forgetting him, for being happy when he's ...and it was nearly you too Jac"
"Fletch you know raf would want you to get on with your life. And us? He would have found that hilarious. He would have ribbed you mercilessly "
Fletch smiled " yeah he would"

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now