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He was in the queue at pulses to get him and Jac coffee so he could spend his break on Keller with her. As he opened his wallet he caught sight of the picture that Jac had given him at Christmas - he smiled. That really was a brilliant day, just after they'd moved in, before his accident, before her ectopic pregnancy. You know,  they were solid through it all. "can't wait to marry her" he thought
Fletch made his way up to Keller - he took the stairs. He couldn't bare the thought of lifts in this building after what happened to Raf
"Hey you" he greeted her and gave her a peck on the lips. " how are you?" He said handing her the coffee
"Bored to tears Fletch" she complained. "Those two mooning after each other is the only point of interest in the whole place " she nodded her head in the direction of Dom and Lofty who were sat at the nurses station giggling like school girls "please tell me we don't go on like that on the ward"
He chuckled " you are joking. Essie told me that they'd finally got it together. Lofty has to be an improvement on the psycho Dom was with before"
"Mmm" she agreed "Isaac must still be in prison?"
" I heard he got his sentence extended for beating someone up inside"
"Well I'm not surprised after way he treated Dom"
"Listen to you Mrs 'I don't listen to hospital gossip'!" He teased
Jac huffed "his best friend Zosia told me" she protested. Fletch raised his eyebrows " Oh shut up" laughed Jac
"Anyway I have news" Fletch hesitated. The social worker is coming to start the adoption assessment next week"
"I don't understand, we haven't appl.....what did you do?"
"Listen Jac" he took a breath "it was the day you were waiting to go down for a scan. I couldn't concentrate, I was scared, I felt helpless. I wanted to feel like I was doing something so I put an application in of our intention to adopt each other's children..." he waited for the inevitable Naylor 'backlash' but when he looked up, her eyes were brimming with tears

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now