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Fletch still didn't know how Jac wanted to play things at work but he was happy to do whatever she wanted he was still in awe of the revelation that this incredible woman lying next to him loved him
They dropped Emma and Theo off at the crèche having travelled to work in the same car. That had been an unspoken understanding. As they walked up from the crèche to the ward Jac reached for Fletch's hand and entwined her fingers in his.
"You sure?"he asked
" I'm sure I love you so I can do this?"
" me too "
They went to their respective offices without anything more than quizzical looks from the ward staff
Fletch texted her when he was in his office.
- maybe you're not as important as you think you are. People barely noticed
Love you
F x

- thanks for understanding. Are you actually perfect? Don't get big headed
Love you
J x
- I like the way we are ending g these messages now
Love you
-soppy git
Love you
- do you want to flaunt us at lunch?
Pulses 12.30 I'll buy you an extra cookie
Love you
- you drive a hard bargain Fletcher
Love you
Jac smiled to herself, maybe this was going to be ok after all

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now