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"I wouldn't laugh in your face you know" Fletch wondered if he'd heard what she said it was so quiet.
Oh shit he's not asleep she thought. What do I do? Deny it? pretend to be asleep again like she had when he was in hospital ? Or go with it?
"Uhuh?" Ok so not pretending to be asleep then
"You wouldn't laugh in my face? What do you mean?" He said, clearly unaware that she had heard his and Evie's conversation
Jac took a deep breath " OK I need to say a few things so let me talk and don't say or do anything until I'm finished ok?"
"Ok" he agreed
"Firstly in my defence I thought you were asleep" she smiled sheepishly and carried on "at Christmas I overheard you and Evie talking. She asked when you were going to ask me to marry you, you said you weren't, I would laugh in your face and that we should just leave things as they are and I agree things were pretty much perfect but then you had the accident only a week later. I only got that call to say you'd been hurt because Connie had heard about us on the hospital grapevine. I had no official right to be there really, although obviously anyone getting in my way would have severely regretted it. Anyway the night before you were discharged I was sitting with you and we'd been talking about coping when you came home and dealing with it as team Naylor/Fletcher. When you thought I was asleep you said you wished we were all team Fletcher. I didn't say anything - you know lots of painkillers, being a bit muddled from the concussion. I didn't know whether that meant what I thought it did or whether you'd even remember so I left it. I decided to accept things as they are but tonight I think I was so happy to have you back home and I felt such a surge of love when we were cuddling on the sofa that I couldn't help thinking about the Christmas conversation and I wouldn't laugh in your face Fletch. But I'm not about to hold you to something you said when you were dosed up on strong pain killers and in any case could of just been me jumping to the wrong conclusion" she forced herself to look at him

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now