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It had been a few weeks since they admitted they liked each other more than friends. A few weeks of stolen moments in a Jac's office or the quiet bench or an odd night out. They would get together every other evening.
One lunch time they were in Jac's office. She was sitting on his lap.
"You know Jonny's got Emma this weekend"
"0h he has has he and ...." he kissed her deeply
"And exactly " she said. "Any chance of yours going to their grans
" I'm sure that can be arranged and after the weekend I vote we tell the kids "
The weekend couldn't come quick enough for Fletch but he knew it was probably important to go at Jac's pace.
He arrived at hers about 30 minutes after Jonny had picked Emma up.
Jac opened the door to him, jumped up and wrapped her legs around him
"Ms Naylor!"
"Shut up Fletch- take me upstairs, or don't we've got the whole house to ourselves "
Wow Jac taking charge like this was such a turn on.
They actually didn't make it upstairs that time , the living room floor was much nearer. The pent up sexual tension that had been building up between them was soon relieved. They made sure they were careful and spent the whole weekend pleasuring each other in every way possible and slept and ate in the house not wanting to share each other with the outside world.
Sunday afternoon came around too soon
" I'm gonna need to go and get the kids from their gran's soon" Fletch said whilst Jac lay in his arms
" yeah Jonny will be back with Emma soon "
"So do you want to come round later and we'll tell them? I can't pretend to just be your friend after this weekend. We should probably decide what to do about work as well"
"OK one thing at a time big boy. I'll be round at tea time. We'll bribe them with takeaway pizza"

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now