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She listened to Fletch, vaguely aware that she had tears in her eyes
"In case I died, in case it had been cancer?" She whispered
"I'm sorry. I was scared Jac, obviously I didn't want that to be the case but I also had to consider what would happen to our family if the unthinkable happened" his voice was thick with emotion
"Our family" she repeated quietly
"Are you annoyed Jac? I'm not going to cancel even if you are cross. You know I would do anything for you hun but I need to do this for me, for my peace of mind"
Fletch was so easy going that he usually just went with the flow, which usually meant they did what Jac wanted but on this he was firm. He had been through so much and he wanted security for their children. He held her eye contact trying to convey in one look how much he loved her, couldn't bear to be without her and wanted their family to be protected
"I'm not annoyed - I'm... I don't know what I am." She laughed softly "I have no words to describe how much I love you and our family Fletch. Now do I really have to ask for a hug?"
He smiled with relief and gently hugged her
"I love you" he said " oh yeah I also asked Lexi if she would marry us, she said yes"
"You really did think I was going die babe didn't you!"
"Well I hoped not. But I remember the night I asked you to marry me I just went for it because of Raf, of Jasmine, the shooting, my accident. I wanted to hold on to any happiness and now I started thinking why wait. Who knows what is round the corner for any of us. So I'm putting my foot down "
Jac snorted but he ignored her and carried on "so I'm putting my foot down and as soon as you are better we. Ms Naylor are tying the knot so you better get dress shopping"
Jac held her hand to her heart "why Mr Fletcher I do declare  you are so masterful" she said in a southern belle accent
He laughed but added  "It's happening missy"

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now