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She felt tipsy and happy ax she leant her head on Fletch's  shoulder as they sat on the bench resting his ankle
There was a chill in the air and she tried to snuggle under his coat by putting her arms round his waist
He put his arm round her
" Jac?"
" would we be together if it wasn't for the kids?"
"Sorry?" She questioned
" something Sacha said to me at the bar earlier about you always having wanted a family and I offered you the whole package. Ready made family"
Jac sat up and looked at him. She'd never seen him looked so unsure of himself
"But you do come as a package, as do me and Emma. We can't get away from that. It's just how it is"
"You didn't amasser my question" he said flatly
"It sounds like you think I don't love you but the idea of you and being part of a family?"
He shrugged
"0h Fletch" she hugged him." Ok now you listen. You know I love your kids and i've told you on more than one occasion that I have never felt part of a family before but here's the thing, I. Fell. In. Love. With . You" she said each word slowly and deliberately
He stayed silent
"Fletch I fell in love with you before I knew the kids. Obviously I knew of their existence but you know my ice walls were firmly in place and no way was I gonna let myself get too involved but you" she stroked his cheek gently "I looked forward to seeing you each day, looked forward to our banter and arguing, it made me feel more alive than I had for so  many  years. If ever.
I was too scared to admit that.
I was grateful of being able to use Emma as the excuse, the reason for spending more time with you. I gradually loved your kids more and more. I mean I'm Mummy Jac. For god sake"
She gave a small laugh
" I love your kids because they're part of you but you Adrian Fletcher are the irritatingly positive, annoying, funny, sexy love of my life. I'm overwhelmed with how much I love you so yes, it might have taken us a bit longer if Emma and I hadn't stayed over that first night but this" she touched his chest "was inevitable. Even I couldn't have  ignored  being in love with you"
Although a little tipsy Jac marvelled at how she could pour her heart out, be honest with this  man without fear of rejection. She was surprised that he could even think she was only with him for the family deal
"I'm sorry you felt like that babe" she kissed him briefly realising he hadn't said a word

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