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He woke after a restless night of nightmares involving the crash and vivid dreams. He pushed himself up the bed and winced in pain from his shoulder. His whole body ached from the accident but HE ached for Jac. He ached for her tender kiss and that look of love that she reserved only for him. His heart filled when he saw how scared she was when she first saw him after the accident. He wondered at his incredible good fortune at not only being alive but by being with her.
There was something niggling at the back of Fletch's mind as if he'd forgotten something but couldn't quite reach it in the mild confusion that was getting better every day but was still frustrating him at times.
One of his dreams had been about pretty much asking Jac to marry him and that made him feel warm and contented. Settled. Until he suddenly realised that it wasn't a dream. He came out in a cold sweat. " oh god" he groaned "did I ask her?" He remembered - "not quite but I might as well of done I hope she was asleep" Or did he?
Fletch reflected on this incredible few months he'd had that were happiest of his entire life. All the pieces in the jigsaw of chaos, hurt and grief had been organised and fitted together. It was like that day when he had realised he loved her. He suddenly knew he wanted to marry her.
"Christ that's scary" he thought but it was good scary. A small fizz of excitement mixed with a hell of a lot of fear built up in his stomach.
Let's get me home and healed first he thought and grabbed the crutches the physio had left and slowly made his way down to the nurses station to enquire about discharge.
"Ms Naylor" said one of the junior doctors nervously. She did not know this minion but assumed by his tone she that her reputation still went before her
She raised an eyebrow
"oh erm can I help you with something. I don't think anyone's asked for a Cardiothoracic consult" he said fumbling with notes on the desk
"Calm down Doogie. I've come to collect my erm" how did she refer to him boyfriend? Partner? lover? "I've come to collect Mr Fletcher" Jac said regaining her composure
Fletch was observing the interaction where he sat waiting packed and ready to leave. The F1 looked on the verge of tears . He smiled - that was vintage Jac
"See you've not lost your touch Jacula" he said as she approached the bed
"Oh shut up" She leant over and kissed him briefly. "You ready?"

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now