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We're like teenagers making out on the sofa. Well it was a bit more than making out she mused.
She was sat in a management meeting, Fletch was there too sitting next to her. His close proximity had drawn her thoughts back to last night. She wasn't concentrating on the meeting at all and was happily day dreaming when she felt a hand on her thigh. She jumped involuntarily and treated Fletch to an old fashioned Naylor death stare
"Ms Naylor are you alright" enquired the acting CEO
" fine Serena" "Please continue"
So apparently Fletch took the "please continue" as relating to him as his hand crept back. She didn't stop him this time. He stroked her thigh gently." God I'm pleased I'm not wearing a skirt" thought Jac.
Finally the meeting finished.
" Mr Fletcher could I have quick word in my office please I need to go over staffing rotas for my theatre list "
" of course" ms Naylor
Closing the door to her office. She whipped round
" what the hell was that?"
Fletch smirked " in my defence, I woke up next to the sexiest woman I've ever seen, I watched her looking for a blouse whilst just wearing a lacy black bra and then after traveling to work with her assaulting my senses with her perfume I had to sit next to her in the world's most boring meeting. And" he continued "the look on her face ,the slight blush and quickened heart rate led me to believe that her mind may have been wandering in the same neighbourhood as mine." Fletch flashed a full grin
She tried to hide her smile. "Very unprofessional for a director of nursing " it was no good - she burst out laughing
"A ha so maybe we were on the same page after all" Fletch was across the room in a flash, crashing his lips into hers " everyone knows what we're doing in here" he said breaking off the kiss " anyway better be going now" " see you later" he left Jac looking incredulously at the closing door as he left the office.
Breathing heavily she berated herself for allowing him to affect her like this. She was Jac Naylor, ice queen, jacula. She was putty in his hands
"Dammit" she laughed out loud

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now