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He got such a shock seeing Raf's name down there, just hadn't remembered to change it. So much had happened at work and with Jac since that night and he just forgot.
Fketch gratefully accepted the love and support from 'ice queen Naylor'. It felt good having someone on your side
"Can I put you down as emergency contact for Theo?" Fletch said. It was all well and good loving him and moving in with him, it seemed to be another level to be officially involved in one of his kids lives.
" I'd like that " she said squeezing his hand
" will you be Emma's?" She hadn't had time to deliberate whether to ask him or not. She admitted to herself that she had no doubt that he would say yes.
" of course" He turned to her " I love that little mini me" " And I love her mum " he hugged her
"Thanks for being there, being supportive '
"It makes a change from you doing it all. Anyway I think we're becoming quite the team"

She let him inWhere stories live. Discover now