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Bang bang bang.ring ring ring
"Ugh who's that at the door at this time of day"
She grumbled. Glancing at the clock she saw it was 2.30am
"I'll go" yawned Fletch
"Don't be stupid. They'll be gone by the time you hobble down" she said irritably. She touched his cheek "sorry babe"
Bang bang, ring ring
"Alright I'm coming, I'm coming"
She pulled her dressing gown round her and answered the door
"Jonny what do you want?" It became immediately apparent that Jonny was extremely, extremely drunk
He barged past her
"Jonny you're drunk you need to leave"
"I came to see you Jac. You and your fucking perfect life" he said aggressively
"What" Jac said coldly
"You heard. What's he got that I didn't Jac. Why couldn't we give our daughter this" he gestured to his surroundings and nearly fell over. He stumbled into Jac
"Come on leave this. It's not you Jac you don't do domestication and love. Remember?" He put his hand on her chest " heart of ice you see"
"Does he know you're going to rip his life apart when you leave - because you will destroy him. That's what you do"
Jac remained silent as he described the old her. He now had her firmly by her shoulders. His tone changed " you're still beautiful though aren't you" " maybe I could persuade you to try this kind of life with me and our daughter eh?" He moved to kiss her. Jac kneed him firmly in the groin
"Argh" Jonny fell to the ground in agony
" you need to leave Maconie" neither of them had noticed Fletch make his way downstairs. Jac had never heard Fletch use that tone of voice. Barely controlled anger but menacingly quiet.
" get up you pathetic man" she said to Jonny who was still writhing in pain "are you actually crazy?"
"What's he got that you didn't ? - I wouldn't even know where to start. And this" she looked around her "IS me. It's all I've ever wanted but I never felt safe enough to leave myself open to this level of happiness before because you're right I would destroy everybody's life. But not this time Jonny. I'm not going anywhere and neither is he" she glanced at Fletch who was now sitting on the bottom step " you know how much it's taken for me to get to this point and I'm still scared that something will happen to take all this away. I'm marrying him because I have never loved anyone more, never been loved before and the fact that he comes as a package with his kids just makes it better. Emma is part of that, she loves being in a house with other kids and she should be here. Of course she loves you and god knows in the early years you probably gave her more affection than I did because even with my own daughter I struggled to let her into my heart in case she was taken away from me as well, like everyone else had been before her. You won't see her any less and I know when you're not in this state you're a decent bloke and you know that if I wasn't around any more that here would be the best place for her"
Just then the doorbell rang
"What now" Jac huffed as she stepped over Jonny and answered the door
"Hi" Jonny's girlfriend Mel stood there. Seriously thought Jac who has a full face of perfect makeup, false eyelashes and heels at this time of night
"Mel" Jac stepped aside so she could come in. Jonny was just struggling to his feet
Wow she really does look like Barbie, Fletch smirked to himself
" I presume you've come for this?"
" yes I assumed he'd come here when he left saying 'I'm going to see that bitch' - no offence" she smiled
God even her bloody teeth were perfect
"Come and sit down" jonny you too "
"Fletch do you want to join us?" Her tone more tender towards him
"Sure" he said

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