Part 1

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Part 1 

Aston’s POV.

“It’s now or never.” I sighed, climbing the ladder to mine and Scarlett’s special place. It was a tree house which we had built, with the help of our parents, when we were 10. We were childhood best friends from the young age of 4, and it had stayed that way until a week after my 14th birthday I decided to pluck up the courage and ask her out on a date. Our relationship had been going from strength to strength, and was still going strong 3 years later. I sat down in the corner, picked up my phone and text her. “Come to our special place babe? Need to talk ASAP Ax.” I put my head between my knees and sighed. This was not going to be pleasant.

Scarlett’s POV

My phone went off “Come to our special place babe? Need to talk ASAP Ax.” I frowned, this seemed out of character for Aston. I got changed and shouted up the stairs “Mum, going to meet Ast, won’t be long!” And slammed the front door behind me. I walked slowly down the path that led to where our special place was. I was filled with apprehension, no idea what Aston wanted to talk about. Our relationship was going from strength to strength right?! I pulled myself up the ladder and opened the trap door. “Hey” I said, looking over to Aston, his eyes were red, he’d been crying. “What’s up?” “Come here.” Whispered Ast, standing up and taking me into his arms. “I love you so much…” “Ast, I love you too, please, what’s wrong?” I asked. “Everything, my world has fallen apart.” Aston cried, he was sobbing. My stomach dropped. “Aston please tell me what’s happening.” I murmured. Aston took a deep breath. 

Aston’s POV

I looked directly into her eyes, how was I going to break this to her? She was my whole world, now my whole world was falling apart. “Please say something?” She whispered. “I’m moving.” I replied. “Away from Peterborough, my Mum’s been offered a job in London, we’re moving. Tomorrow.” I watched the girl I love break down in front of me, I felt her knees go weak. “Please tell me you’re joking?” She whispered. “I wish I was.” I replied, pulling her closer to me. “I really wish I was.” She began to sob. “Shh babe, don’t cry.” I said quietly, fearing I would break down any second. “Ast, I can’t even, you promised. I mean…” She sobbed, trailing off. I knew what she meant instantly. “We made vows in the tree house, together, forever.” I replied, finishing her sentence. I closed my eyes and rested my head on top of hers, thinking back to all the good times, the pretend marriages we had when we were 11, all the stolen kisses, the promises we made to each other, and all the secrets. I knew from that moment I couldn’t lose her. We were broken apart from the abrupt sound of my phone going off. I read the text. “It’s from my mum, she needs me back at the house, to help pack.” I whispered softly. “I need to go.” “Please don’t.” Scarlett whispered. “I have to.” I said sadly, kissing her on the forehead…

Scarlett’s POV. 

I closed my eyes as Aston’s lips touched my forehead. “Goodbye Princess.” He whispered. And with that he was gone. I crumpled to the floor and sobbed. He was gone, and I’d never see him again.

Sometime passed, I had no idea how long I’d been laying on the floor of the tree house. My phone had gone off several times, but I just ignored it, I tried to pull myself together, my mum would have been expecting me home hours ago. I got up, and walked aimlessly home. Ten minutes later I arrived at my front door. “What’s wrong?” My mother asked instantly. “He’s gone!” I sobbed, running up the stairs and slamming the door behind me, I flung myself on my bed, I cried into the early hours of the morning, finally falling into a deep sleep, where my dreams were just as bad as reality. 

We made vows in the tree house, together, Forever.Where stories live. Discover now