Part 41

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12th of February. 

Scarlett’s POV. 

It was just over a month since we’d returned from Peterborough after everything had happened with my Nan. Thankfully, she’d made a full recovery! It was now the night before Aston’s birthday, and I had planned, with the help of JB, Oritse and Marvin, a surprise party for him, then I was taking him away for a few days on the day of his birthday, which was the day after. Of course, it hadn’t been easy, I hadn’t seen much of Aston in the days, as him and the boys were busy rehearsing for their tour, the 4th Dimension Tour, which was taking place across March and April! 

“I’m off out for a couple of hours.” I said, walking downstairs. “Do you have to go?” Aston asked, looking up from the sofa. “Yeah, I promised Ellie I’d help her find something to wear for her mother’s birthday.” I lied, really I was going to set up the club we’d hired for Aston’s birthday, but I couldn’t tell him that. “But I’ve hardly seen you the last few weeks, and now I’ve got a week off, you’re going out!” Aston replied, with a slight edge to his voice. “I’m not gonna be long, 3 hours tops.” I replied. “3 hours to find an outfit? Really?” He said back. “You know what Ellie’s like.” I answered, feeling guilty using her as an excuse. “I just want to spend time with you though, it’s gonna be hard over the next few weeks.” Aston replied. “3 hours tops babe, then I’m all yours.” I said. “Fine.” Aston answered, walking off. He was stropping. “Ast, don’t be like that.” I called. No reply. I looked at the time, I was already running late. “Well I guess I’ll see you later then.” I said again. Once again, no answer. I sighed, and walked out of the door. He’d come around eventually, Aston couldn’t stay mad at me, when we argued, which was very rarely, he was always the first to say sorry. 

“Sorry I’m late!” I exclaimed, walking into the club. The boys and Ellie were already there, and they’d made a start decorating the club with banners and embarrassing photos of Aston! Of course, that had been Oritse’s idea, he was still planning his revenge after what the boys did to him on his birthday! “Did you bring the CD?” Oritse asked. “Yep.” I replied, pulling a disk out of my bag. It contained over 200 photos of Aston, when he’d been rehearsing for the tour, I spent some time looking through his photos, I found loads of when he was a kid, all the way through the current day, I even found photos of us together when we were younger, he’d kept them all, it was so cute! “You’re not going to embarrass him too much tonight are you?” I added. “Nope, saving it for his stag do!” Oritse smirked. “That’s when I’ll get revenge on all the boys, starting with Marvin.” “Fair enough!” I laughed back. I pitied the boys, Marvin and Rochelle had been engaged for just over a month, Marv proposed to her over the new year, when they were away, it was so romantic from what I heard! “What time is everyone getting here tonight?” I asked about 2 hours later. “Around 9 we’ve told everyone.” “Okay, I’ll come at like 9:30 with Aston then?” I replied. “I’ll text one of you when we’re outside, make everyone quiet, then shout surprise when we walk in? He’ll probably guess what’s up, it’s gonna be obvious, but still it’ll be funny trying?” “Yeah will do, knowing Ast he won’t guess!” Replied JB. “Anyway, I better be off now.” I answered, I’d been longer than I wanted to be, Aston was already pissed at the fact I’d gone out. 

About 30 minutes later, I walked through the front door. “Ast?” I called. No reply again. I walked up the stairs and into our bedroom, he was sitting on the edge of the bed. “Sorry about earlier.” I said quietly, sitting down next to him and putting my arms around him. “To make it up to you, I’m taking you out tonight!” “I’m sorry too.” He sighed. “I’ve just missed you a lot, it’s not the same, not seeing you all the time. Do we have to go out? I’d rather stay in and watch a film together or something?” I needed to think of something, fast. “Come on, it’ll be fun, just me and you, going out together, having a couple of quiet drinks.” I said back, trying not to let anything slip. “We can have a drink at home, without being pressured by the paps or whatever.” He replied. Aston was being stubborn. “It’ll be a laugh.” I replied, I was getting desperate now. “We’ll only stay for 2 hours or so if you like?” “Fine, but tomorrow, we’re doing what I want to do.” Aston said back. “Yeah okay.” I replied, feeling smug though, because we were actually going away, Aston didn’t know just yet. I looked at my watch, 7:30. We had just under an hour and a half before we had to leave. “Come on, let’s get ready!” I exclaimed. “If you insist.” He sang. I knew I’d won him over. 

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