Part 43

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Scarlett’s POV. 

“Oh my God! I just can’t believe this is happening!” I exclaimed for what must have been the 10th time that night, I kept staring at my hand in disbelief. Me and Aston were sitting in the living room, it was just after 2 in the morning, but the both of us were both too hyped to sleep! “I take it your happy?” Aston smiled. “Yes, more than happy!” I exclaimed back. “Why tonight though, like why did you decide tonight?” I added. “Well, truth be told babe, I’ve had the ring for months, since last November. I was just waiting for the right moment, I was going to on Christmas Eve, but then whole thing with your Dad, then New Years, but you were with your Nan, I always have the ring with me, waiting for the perfect moment, when you started singing, I knew there and then that it was the right moment.” Aston replied. “It was the right moment, it was perfect.” I agreed. “I just can’t believe it happened! But now, this makes my other surprise, look well quite lame.” I added. “What is it?” Aston asked. “Well I booked tickets for us to go to Paris for a few days, for your birthday and Valentine’s Day!” I replied. “That’s not lame at all babe! We can celebrate our engagement in style!” Aston exclaimed. “When do we leave?” “Leave here at one in the afternoon tomorrow.” I replied. “Well, we better get to bed then!” Aston replied, he picked me up and carried me to our room. Of course, when we got there, sleep was the last thing on our minds! 

Aston’s POV. 

“Wake up babe!” I said, shaking Scarlett gently. “I’m awake.” She replied, yawning and stretching. “I can’t get over last night, it was amazing, you’re amazing.” Scarlett added. “I’m just so happy you said yes! I would have looked an idiot in front of everyone if you’d said no!” I laughed quietly. “Did you really think I’d say no?” She said softly. “I guess I already knew the answer, what do you say to letting the world know about us?” I asked. “Go for it, I’d rather everyone heard from us, than the papers, but I need to let my Nan know first, after all I did promise her!” Scarlett answered, picking up her phone. While Scarlett was on the phone, it turned out the majority of people already knew, well they were waiting for it to be confirmed.

“I’ve never heard my Nan sound so happy!” Scarlett exclaimed a few minutes later. “Seriously, she sounded so chuffed, aw!” “I’m glad she’s happy about it, what about your mum, do you think you’d better let her know?” I asked. “I don’t know, I don’t know whether my dad is back or anything, I’ll wait for her to ring me I guess.” She replied slowly. “That’s fair enough I guess, anyway, it turns out the majority of people already know about us, we must’ve got papped leaving the club last night.” I said back. Of course we’d been papped, both of us were just too happy to cover it up! “Just tweet to confirm it I guess?” Scarlett said back. 

An hour later, and we still hadn’t finished packing. Both of our phones had been ringing non-stop with people ringing to congratulate us, management had already been asked to get us to agree to a magazine shoot and interview to talk about it, and we hadn’t even been engaged 24 hours, we’d talk about it in our own time! 

Scarlett’s POV. 

“Just shove anything in the case, we’re not gonna get anywhere with this!” I exclaimed, my phone going off again. I checked it, it was my mother. “Hey.” I said quietly. “Congratulations Scarlett.” Mum said back quietly. “Thanks mum, I didn’t know whether to ring or not, I didn’t know whether Dad was back.” I replied. “You were right not to ring, he’s back, and he’s heard about it. He’s playing hell.” She said back. That was all I needed, I guess I knew it was coming though. “He’s just got to accept it, or move on.” I sighed, at a loss at what to say. “I know, he’s overacting.” Mum said back. “I’ve got to go Mum, in a bit of a rush, talk soon yeah?” I replied. “Keep safe Scarlett.” She answered. “I always do.” I said, putting the phone down. “I’m gutted y’ano, that my Dad is being like this.” I sighed. “It must be hard babe.” Aston said quietly. “It is. I always dreamed that he would be the one to give me away on my wedding day, but that’s looking more and more unlikely as each day goes on.” I replied. “He might come around.” Aston said weakly. “I highly doubt it.” I replied, smiling weakly. “Come on, we better finish packing.” I added, taking the attention away from the situation from my Dad. Yes it hurt inside, but it wasn’t going to stop me from being with Aston! 

We made vows in the tree house, together, Forever.Where stories live. Discover now