Part 57

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Aston’s POV. 

I woke up late the next morning, with mixed emotions, the tour had ended, and it had gone out with a bang! I turned over, and Scarlett was sitting on the edge of her side of the bed, with her back towards me. “Good morning beautiful.” I said quietly. There was no reply. “Scarl?” I said again. I waited a moment. “How could you Aston?” She said, her shoulders shuddered. “What?” I asked, my stomach dropped, I was confused. “You know what.” Scarlett replied bitterly. “No Scarl, I don’t know what you’re on about?” I said back. “Well, who’s she then?” Scarlett said, her voice was raised, she threw her phone across the bed. “How could you.” She repeated. “I haven’t done anything?” I replied, picking up the phone. “Scarl, these pictures mean nothing, I simply helped her into the car.” I said, looking at the pictures, I’d been pictured with a blonde, coming out of a nightclub the night before. “Could of fooled me.” She laughed bitterly. “You’re all over her, arm around her, and everything. The article does you no favours. “Scarlett, babe, I swear, nothing happened, don’t believe everything you read? You said that yourself, babe, why don’t you believe me.” I whispered. “Aston you were all over her, it all seems legit.” She sobbed. “Babe no, don’t be like that.” I replied, moving, putting my arm around her. “Don’t touch me.” She spat, pushing my arm away. “How could you do that to me, I’m pregnant Ast, and you were flirting with another girl.” “I wasn’t flirting with her at all.” I said quietly. “So you didn’t go back to her house then.” Scarlett said bitterly. “I’ve seen her tweet.” “I did, but only to make sure she got home safely.” I whispered. “I’ve seen the other photo Ast. You, kissing her.” Scarlett sobbed. “No, no Scarl, she came onto me, I pushed her off, yes she kissed me, but I pushed her away.” I babbled. “Yet, you still took her home.” She replied bitterly. “She was in a state, nothing happened, I swear Scarlett, I would never hurt you, either of you.” I whispered. “After the photo, how can I believe that.” She cried. “Babe, please, believe me, nothing happened, I swear to God.” I said back. “I can’t deal with this.” She sobbed, standing up.

“Scarlett, what are you doing? Where are you going?” I exclaimed. “Away from here, I need to be on my own for a while.” She said quietly, pulling a suitcase out from under the bed. “No, Scarl, please babe, you can’t leave me, what happened, it was nothing, nothing happened, we’re strong.” I said, my voice cracked. “I don’t know any more Ast, I just don’t know.” She said, all emotion from her voice, gone. “Don’t leave me Scarlett.” I whispered. “You better take this.” She replied, twisting the engagement ring, but not taking it off. “No, it’s yours, this can’t be the end Scarlett, it can’t.” I said, my voice was getting desperate. “Goodbye Aston.” She said, coolly, but I could tell she was breaking down inside. “This isn’t goodbye, Scarlett, just look at me.” I replied, pulling her arm. “We can get through this, nothing happened.” I whispered looking into her eyes. “No Aston, we can’t if you loved me enough, you’d let me go.” She said, she was determined. I let her go. I couldn’t argue with that, I loved her. “I love you.” I whispered as she slipped through the door. I heard the front door slam, and that’s when it hit me. I sobbed, for hours. My phone rang several times, but I ignored it…

Scarlett’s POV. 

I stared aimlessly at the four walls around me, they started caving in on me. I’d let myself into the flat I used to own with Ellie, I still had a key, and thankfully, she wasn’t there. “Why Aston why?” I sobbed again, I kept repeating myself, had I been too rational? I could trust him, couldn’t I? Why had I left him? We were meant for each other weren’t we? But the picture, something didn’t add up. I physically and emotionally felt hurt. I didn’t know what to believe, or where to turn. I twisted the engagement ring around my finger, I couldn’t take it off, it felt so right. I forced myself to eat, more for the baby’s benefit than mine. I went to bed early. “I’m so sorry baby, I’m so sorry.” I sobbed, putting my hands to my slightly rounded stomach. I could I leave him when I’d always have a part of him with me? Our unborn baby. But I felt hurt, Aston had said nothing had happened, and that should have been enough, shouldn’t it? Somehow, I couldn’t bring myself to ring him…

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