Part 91

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Aston’s POV.

“There’s a lot we could say about Aston, but we’ll save that for later, let’s get the boring stuff out of the way first!” Oritse said confidently. “It’s not boring, we’re just messing.” He added. JB took the microphone. “Who’d have thought it ay? The baby of the group finally a married man! There’s gonna be a lot of heartbroken girls now.” JB laughed. “I’d like to start off by saying I’ve never seen a couple more perfectly suited than Aston and Scarlett, they are perfect for each other. When they first found each other again, Aston’s face would light up as soon as she came into the room, and it still does, to this day.” Marvin said, smiling at me. “I’d like to second that, also, for them finding each other again, if it wasn’t for that, I’d have never met Ellie, my beautiful wife to be, so I thank you for that.” Oritse exclaimed passionately. “Right, now for the embarrassing bit!” JB said wickedly.

The boys went on for a while, everyone laughed at my expense, I cringed a lot, but I could see the funny side of it! “So, if everyone could raise their juice, I mean champagne glasses.” Marvin spluttered, I KNEW that one was coming, nobody knew what he was on about, except a few people, they were in stitches, Scarlett included! “To Aston and Scarlett!” He announced. “To Aston and Scarlett.” Everyone repeated.  “I’d like to call on Aston, to make the next speech.” The DJ said, I got up, took the microphone off him, and walked back to Scarlett.

I took a deep breath, I was actually nervous for once! “We made vows in the tree house, together, Forever.” I said, pausing. “We did, we made promises to each other, so many years ago, and here we are today, still standing by them promises.” Everyone was looking at me curiously. “Not everyone knows this, me and Scarlett, we grew up together, we were together from a young age, but then, then I had to leave, it tore us apart.” I chocked. “But then, then we found each other again, my world was complete.” I turned to Scarlett. “The day you walked into that room, I remember it so clearly. Fate tore us apart, but then, it brought us back together. Things haven’t always been easy for us, not by a long shot, but we’ve got through them, we’re strong. Things have been tough, maybe it was a test, we got through it, we’re standing here today, together. You’re going to make an amazing wife, I just know it. You’ve given my our little girl, she’s perfect, like you, I’ve never felt so in love before, Scarlett, I’ve only got to look at you, and I smile.” I said, I was starting to get cheesy. “I know people haven’t always been positive about our relationship, but I love you Scarlett, I can’t help that, I love you, and that’s just the way it is, it’s just the way it is Scarlett, I’m in love with you.” I chocked, my voice thick with emotion. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.” I said facing Scarlett, she was in tears, I was tearing up. “So, if everyone could raise their glasses, to my beautiful wife, to Scarlett!” I exclaimed.

Scarlett’s POV.

“Aston, that was beautiful!” I cried, I was aware that all eyes were on me, I tried to pull myself together. “The words were true.” Aston replied, smiling as he wiped my face, and then his. He looked so beautiful, even after he’d been crying, I envied him for that, I probably had makeup halfway down my face. Then it was my turn to make a speech, I just hoped I could pull myself together for long enough. “Okay, this is gonna be pathetic compared to Aston’s.” I laughed weakly, nothing would beat his right now. “Aston, you’re my everything, it’s just as simple as that.” I said, pausing. “The years we were apart, not a day went by when I didn’t think of you, where you were, what you were doing, did you still remember me? Like you said, the day we found each other again, was the day we both felt whole again. I don’t know what else to say, I love you, and I always have, and I always will.” I said passionately. “Words can’t explain what I’m feeling right now, if everyone could raise their glasses, to my world, my everything, to Aston!” I exclaimed. Everything quietened down. “Sorry my speech wasn’t much.” I said sheepishly. “It was perfect, beautiful, just like you.” Aston said quietly, kissing me gently. The rest of the evening passed far too quickly for my liking!

The celebrations ended just after 2 in the morning, I was exhausted, it had truly been the best day of my life. We were now back in our room. I stood facing the full length mirror. “Come to bed beautiful.” Aston said softly. “I don’t want to take my dress off though.” I pouted. “Babe, the dress looks beautiful on you, but it’ll look even better on the floor.” He said back. “It’s too expensive to put on the floor! I exclaimed. “You’re just using that as an excuse to get me into bed.” I scoffed. “Indeed I am, Mrs Merrygold.” Aston smirked. The words sent a shiver down my spine. “It’s gonna take a while to get used to that!” I exclaimed. “Well, we do have forever.” Aston said softly, smiling. I took my dress off, hanging it up carefully. I walked towards the bed. “Come here, Mrs Merrygold.” Aston whispered, pulling me onto the bed, kissing me passionately. “I can’t believe this, after all these years, after everything, we’re married.” I babbled. “I know, it’s perfect.” He murmured, kissing me again. “We’re married Aston, I just can’t believe it, we’re married.” I carried on babbling. “Scarlett, stop babbling.” He said quickly. “I can’t help it, I’m just so happy, we’re married, I never thought it would happen.” I said quickly. “Scarlett, it was always going to happen, remember?” He said firmly, looking me straight in the eyes. “We made vows in the tree house, together, Forever.”  Aston whispered, silencing me with a kiss…

We made vows in the tree house, together, Forever.Where stories live. Discover now