Part 44

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Scarlett’s POV. 

“Well, that was insane!” I exclaimed to Aston. “I know, seriously, I was expecting it to be chaos, but that just took the piss!” Aston replied. We were now sitting in the VIP lounge in the airport, and we had a two hour wait until our plane to Paris took off. It had taken us ages to get here, getting out of the house was an absolute nightmare, news of our engagement had spread fast, obviously, but there were paps everywhere, our road was pretty much blocked, then when we arrived at the airport, that was just as bad! “What a way to spend your birthday, stuck in an airport, being pursued by paps.” I commented. “Yes, but I’m spending it with you, my future wife, the future Mrs Merrygold.” Aston said back, smiling. “Now that is something I like the sound of!” I replied, Scarlett Merrygold. It had a nice ring to it. “Suits you, I always knew that one day, you’d be a Merrygold!” Aston commented. "Of course you did!” I laughed back. I looked at the time. 10 minutes had passed.

Only another hour and 50 minutes to go. “So, what’s been the best moment in your life this year?” I asked, making conversation. “Babe, we’re only a month and a half into the New Year.” He laughed back. “Okay then, in the last 12 months?” I said, rephrasing my question. “Now that’s a hard one. Okay, I can’t choose, I have a top 5.” Aston replied. “What are they?” I asked. “Well, first one, the day you walked into the recording studio, I knew, like subconsciously, that it was you, I just didn’t want to look an idiot, in case you’d forgotten about me.” He said. “I didn’t forget about you, one little bit! Every day I thought about you. But yeah, that was one of my top moments too, when you said the line for the song, not gonna lie, but it was actually perfect!” I gushed. “Anyway, next top moment?” “Number two, the first time you said you loved me when met again.” Aston replied. “I loved that moment too, I felt complete again.” I said softly. “Number three, even though the night was ruined by Danni, the night we went out in Paris, it was something we’d promised each other we’d do, so up until she came along, it was amazing.” Aston continued. “Yeah, that was a pretty awesome night, speaking of Danni, I’m glad nothing became of her, like y’ano, making contact with you.” I said quickly. “Like I told you babe, nothing to worry about! Anyway, number 4, the day we went back to the tree house, like before we seen your parents I mean, it brought back so many memories from our childhood, it was like we’d never been apart!” Aston said. “Yeah, I loved that day too, it’s just a shame everything turned out the way it did with my Dad.” I sighed. “It won’t stay like that forever, trust me. Anyway, my fifth favourite moment? Last night. When you sang to me, then you agreed to marry, I can’t explain how happy you’ve made me!” Aston exclaimed. “Last night was perfect.” I agreed. “So, all your top moments in the last 12 months have been with me? You don’t have to say that just because you’re with me now?” “No, I’m not, I’m being serious, I’ve never been so happy!” Aston replied. “Cute you are!” I exclaimed, smiling. 

“Aston, and, and Scarlett!” An unwelcomed voice came a little while later. “Oh, Danni, hey!” Aston replied, trying to be polite. “We’ve really got to stop doing this!” She cackled. “Doing what exactly?” Aston asked. “Bumping into each other when we’re away or going away.” She answered. “Oh yeah, weird.” Aston replied with very little enthusiasm. “So, where are you off?” Danni asked. “Paris.” He said back. “Oh, us too!” Danni exclaimed. ‘Us’ being her and her husband to be, filthy rich and he must’ve been at least double her age. “Aston’s taking you away for Valentine’s Day then?” Danni asked, turning to me. “No actually. I paid for the both of us to go away for Aston’s birthday.” I replied, I couldn’t help but sound snide. “Oh, there’s nice of you.” She replied, sounding off guard. “Yep.” I answered, my voice was emotionless. “So, I’ve heard you’ve recently got engaged?” Danni said, continuing with the questioning. “Yep, since last night.” Aston replied. “Aw! How cute!” She exclaimed. “Yeah, I remember when me and Edmund got engaged. It was so cute!” Danni continued to gush. I scoffed at the name. Aston elbowed me in the ribs. “Sorry.” I muttered. “This is so ironic! You’re going away, having only recently getting engaged, and I’m going away to commit the rest of my life to this man!” Danni continued. “We’re getting married!” “I’m happy that it’s all worked out for you.” Aston commented. “Me too, he’s really the love of my life.” Danni said slowly, obviously that was not true, she still loved Aston. 

We made vows in the tree house, together, Forever.Where stories live. Discover now