Part 16

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Scarlett’s POV. 

“So, you guessed where I was taking you today then?” Aston asked. We were sitting in this actually stunning restaurant in the centre of Paris. It had been an amazing day so far, we had taking a trip on the river Siene, which was dead romantic, gone up the Eiffel Tower and been shopping. “Well I had my suspicions, I remembered us talking about it when we were kids!” I replied. Aston was about to reply, when the waiter came to the table, took our plates and took our orders for dessert. I looked up, behind Aston’s shoulder and sighed. She was staring again. In fact, she had been staring for pretty much the whole meal, I frowned and sighed. “What’s wrong?” Aston asked. “There’s this girl… She’s sitting behind you, been staring pretty much the whole time we’ve been here.” I replied. Aston turned around, and I stared at the girl. “I knew it was you!” She exclaimed as soon as he turned around. D-Danni?” Aston stuttered. “Long time no speak!” She exclaimed walking over to our table and pulled up a chair. “You can say that again.” Aston said, sounding surprised. “What are you doing here anyway?” “Working.” She replied. “You?” “Working, and on a bit of a break with my girlfriend.” He said back, emphasising the word girlfriend. While they were talking, I got a good look at her. She was beautiful, I felt self-conscious. “Oh.” She replied, looking at me, the way she was looking at me drove me mad. “Oh, I’m here with my soon to be husband!” She said over-enthusiastically, staring at the man she was with and blowing kisses. She made me feel sick. “Glad it’s all worked out for you.” Aston said. “Well you know its not what I wanted.” She muttered, looking longingly at Aston. “Anyway! Must get going! We must meet up in England sometime for a proper catch up!” She said cheerfully, and with that, she flounced off to the greasy, fake tanned to the max man, who must have been at least double her age.

Aston’s POV.

“Come on, we’re outta here.” I said bluntly, taking Scarlett’s hand and walking over to the waiter and handing him two 100 hundred euro notes. “Keep the change.” I muttered. I could feel Danni’s eyes bore into the back of my head as we walked away. As soon as we were out of the restaurant, I sighed. “How do you know her?” Scarlett asked quietly. “My ex. Well, sort of.” I replied bluntly. “What do you mean sort of?” She said. “We were never really together, we had a bit of a thing a couple of years back, and when I called it off, she turned possessive, and I mean proper obsessed. She would constantly text and ring me, left messages at my house. At one stage she even made up a story that she was pregnant so I’d get back with her! But of course she wasn’t!” I babbled, studying Scarlett’s reaction. “She’s beautiful.” Was all Scarlett said. “She’s not. She has the most twisted and evil personality ever.” I replied bitterly.

Scarlett’s POV.

We arrived at the hotel sometime later, Aston had tried to not let Danni ruin our evening bless him, but I could see something was still troubling him. I had a feeling that he hadn’t told me the exact truth. “Thanks for today handsome.” I said quietly, smiling at him. “No problem babe, you deserve the best.” He said back, smiling weakly. His phone buzzed and he picked it up and frowned. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Nothing, just management telling work details.” He said quietly. “I’m going in the shower.” “Okay babe.” I said weakly, knowing he wasn’t telling the truth. Once I heard the water running, I picked up his phone and checked his text, I felt extremely guilty, but I needed to find out what was troubling him. He had two texts from an unknown number. The first one read “It was nice seeing you after so many long and painful months handsome.” The second one “Oh and we will meet up in London when we’re both home, and I know the fact that you having a girlfriend, or whatever it is won’t stop you, it never has before;)”. My stomach dropped, there was a reason he didn’t show me the texts. The bathroom door opened and I slammed Aston’s phone down. “Forgot my towel!” Aston said cheerfully. He turned to me. “babe? What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost?!”

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