Part 87

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Scarlett’s POV.

“Home.” I smiled, walking through the front door. The week I’d been away had been amazing, but I was so glad to be home, I’d missed Aston and Faith like mad! I looked at the time, 2 hours until Aston was due home! The rest of the week after the whole Jacob thing had been pretty awesome, we spent two days in Disney Land, the girls knew how much of a big kid I was! Right until the day that we left, I’d still been getting gifts and notes from pervy Jacob though, did he not get the message?!

Around 2 hours later, the front door opened. “Aston!” I exclaimed, running towards him, throwing my arms and legs around him. “Miss me then babe?” Aston laughed. “Of course!” I exclaimed, kissing him. “I missed you so much.” “I missed you too beautiful.” Aston said softly. “So, what did you get up to then?” He asked. “Well, as soon as we got to Florida, we went skydiving, oh my god, I’ve never been so scared, I was so excited at the same time, but I convinced myself that I was going to die, but oh my god it was awesome.” I babbled, I couldn’t get my words out quick enough. I carried on telling Aston about the week, I left out the part about Jacob, I didn’t want to bring it up and bring a downer on things. “Sounds very eventful.” Aston smiled once I’d finished. “Yeah it was, it was awesome! So, how was your week?” I asked. “Very good, got quite drunk, the usual.” Aston replied, launching into a full story about his week. “You went to a strip club?!” I laughed. “Yeah, but I didn’t want to go, I didn’t look at the girls honestly.” He said quickly. “Of course you didn’t.” I smirked. “I didn’t, I swear!” Aston exclaimed. “I bet you had a look.” I replied. “Okay, maybe, a cheeky tiny little look…” He said back, trailing off. “Ast, it doesn’t bother me mind.” I laughed.

“Anyway, your Mum isn’t bringing Faith back for another 2 hours, so how about we go to bed for a bit?” I suggested. “Now that’s not a bad idea at all.” Aston replied, pursing his lips. I walked towards the stairs, Aston didn’t move, my back was to him. “Scarl?” He called. “Yeah Ast?” I replied, turning around. “Who’s Jacob?” He asked. “Um, I kinda have a stalker…” I replied sheepishly. “Anyway, how do you know his name?!” “There was a story in the paper, about how you spent the night together.” Aston said back. “The cheeky bastard!” I exclaimed. “That couldn’t be further from the truth, he stalked me, said he’d give me the night of my life! Then he turned up at the hotel, kept sending me gifts and notes, I’ve honestly never been so freaked out in all my life, but I swear, I never went anywhere near him.” I babbled. “Wow, what a freak!” Aston exclaimed. “You don’t believe the story, do you?” I asked quietly. “Babe of course not, I trust you, completely!” He replied. “Good, I’m glad, I’d never hurt you, ever!” I exclaimed. “What did you do with the stuff he sent you?” Aston laughed. “Chucked it out, well except for one note.” I said back, pulling one of the notes from my pocket and handing it to Aston. “Jeez, what a creep.” Aston said. “Tell me about it.” I sighed. “Ooh, his number’s on this, we’re gonna have some fun with this.” He laughed. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Come here, and watch this.” Aston said back, walking towards the sofa. “You’re ringing him?!” I exclaimed as Aston pulled out his phone. “Yep, I’m gonna give him a piece of my mind.” Aston replied. “Put it on speaker, I wanna hear this!” I said quickly. The phone rang a few times before Jacob answered. “Hello? Who is this?! Scarlett? Is it you? Did you finally decide to accept my offer? Have you? Please say something.” Jacob babbled. “No, it’s not Scarlett.” Aston said emotionlessly. “Who is it then?” Jacob said quickly, his tone of voice had completely changed. “It’s Scarlett’s soon to be husband, Aston.” Aston said. Jacob was silent. “Did you enjoy reading about our antics in the paper then?” Jacob sneered eventually. “Now, I think you and I both know the truth, that the story isn’t true.” Aston said coolly. “How can you prove that? You’ve got no evidence.” Jacob smirked. “I have all the evidence I need thank you very much, and if you even come in contact with Scarlett again, I’ll have you done for stalking her or whatever, you get me.” Aston snapped. “Ooh someone’s actually all hard over the phone.” Jacob drawled. “I’m not acting hard, I’m stating a fact, I’m going now, you’re boring me you’re just an idiot who’s all talk, remember what I said.” Aston said, hanging up. “He wasn’t expecting that, clearly.” I laughed. “I know, don’t think we’ll be hearing from him again! Now where were we?” Aston asked. “I seem to remember we were on our way upstairs?” I replied cheekily. “Oh yes, so we were!” Aston exclaimed, picking me up. I’d really missed him! 

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