Part 9

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Scarlett’s POV. 

My whole world had just come crashing down. Just like it did 7 years ago in the tree house. “Scarlett? Say something? Please babe.” I heard Aston whisper as he walked towards me. “Europe?” I whispered. “How long will you be gone?” “Two months, maybe three…” Aston replied hesitantly. “I can’t lose you again Aston.” I said quietly. “I know, I can’t be without you either.” Aston answered. “Come with me?” I thought about it, the thought was VERY tempting to say the least. “I can’t Ast, the boys don’t know me and I’ll be pretty much with you 24 hours of the day 7 days a week, I’ll just be a distraction to you and your work…” I replied, trailing off. “So, the boys will have to get used to you sometime or later, plus Chloe and Rochelle will be coming, you can stay with them when we’re working.” Aston said quickly. “Please babe, just come with me, the thought of losing you again, its, it’s just too much.” “Okay, okay Aston, I’ll come with you.” I replied, sighing at the fact that I wasn’t losing him again. “So, when are you going?” “Uh, that’s the other thing.” Aston said sheepishly. “We leave tomorrow night…” I wasn’t expecting that. “Wow, okay, well I guess you better take me home then so I can pack my stuff then.” I replied, planning how much stuff I would actually need to take with me. 

2 hours later and I was unlocking the door to mine and Ellie's apartment. I was not quite sure how to break the sudden revelation that I was moving to various parts of Europe for the next few months. “Hiya!” She said cheerfully. “Decided to prise yourself away from your boyfriend then?” “Yep aha!” I replied laughing. “So, what’s he like then?” Ellie asked. “Uh, perfect, beautiful, stunning, amazing…”I said trailing off. “N’awh cute!” She scoffed back. “Great in bed too?” She added. “Uh-huh, yeah” I replied, distracted by the text Aston sent me. “Looking forward to spending the next few months living with you, gonna give us chance to catch up on these last few years! Love you Princess <3.” I smiled at my phone. “Aw, young love..” Ellie mocked. I smiled back at her sheepishly. “So what’s lover boy said to you now then?” She added. My face dropped instantly. “Well, er, he kinda, I mean I’m kinda..” I said, not knowing what to say next. “Come on Scarlett, spit it out!” Exclaimed Ellie. “Well Aston and the boys are moving to various places in Europe for the next 3 months to try and crack the charts and I’m going with them because I can’t live without Aston.” I babbled. Ellie stared at me, trying to take in everything I had just said. “You’re moving to Europe with 4 boys that you’ve only just met?” She exclaimed. “You don’t know them.” “I’ve known Aston since I was a kid…” I whispered, knowing this is exactly how she would react. “Yes, and HE left YOU.” She replied. “He didn’t leave me at all, he was forced to go.” I said quietly. “I can’t believe you, running off to countries hours away from here, with boys you hardly know!” Ellie answered. “What about me? I can’t afford to keep this place alone.” I looked at our apartment around me, it was costing us an absolute bomb to keep, but I’d thought it out. “I’ll leave you enough money to cover the bills and rent and stuff over the next few months.” I said tactically. “Yeah, well whatever.” She replied, “I’m going to bed.” I watched in silence as she walked towards her room and slammed the door behind her. It was either lose Aston, or lose my best friend. Either way I would be at a loss. Friendship or unconditional love. It had to be Aston. I couldn’t lose him again, I thought about the last few years, how painful they had been with Aston. I had chosen love over friendship and I felt terrible.

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