Part 65

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Aston’s POV.

“Ast, wake up.” Scarlett hissed, shaking me. “What, it’s too early.” I muttered. “Aston, no. This is serious, my waters have broken, the baby’s coming.” Scarlett exclaimed. “What? No, it’s too early! You’re not due yet!” I babbled, sitting up straight away. “I know, we need to get to the hospital, now!” Scarlett said, her voice was panicked. “This can’t be happening, you’re 6 weeks too early!” I exclaimed, getting out of bed, rushing to get dressed. “Ast, it’s happening, please hurry up.” Scarlett cried out. “I don’t know what to do!” I exclaimed. I hate seeing her in pain. “Ring the hospital, grab the bag with the baby stuff, and drive.” Scarlett breathed, I could see the pain on her face. “I can’t stand seeing you in pain.” I said quietly, while waiting for the hospital to answer the phone. “It’s only natural Ast. Just hurry up please!” She babbled. “Scarlett’s in labour.” I babbled to the woman on the other side of the phone. “How regular are the contractions?” She asked calmly. “Scarl, how often are the contractions?” I asked quickly. “I don’t know, frequent, Ast, please just do something, please.” She cried out. “Bring her in straight away, and keep calm for her straight.” The woman on the phone said firmly. 

“Just keep calm, and breathe.” I said to Scarlett, I felt at a loss, we’d been at the hospital for over two hours, nothing had happened. Scarlett gripped my hand, hard, leaving red marks. “It hurts, Aston it really hurts.” She said weakly. “I know it does babe, it’ll be over soon, I promise.” I replied, trying to sound confident. “Close your eyes for a bit, it could be a while before something happens, like the nurse said.” Scarlett listened to me, but didn’t reply. I couldn’t stand seeing her like this. 

“Aston, wake up, get someone, something’s wrong I know it.” Scarlett shrieked, bringing me out of my light sleep. “What?!” I exclaimed, jumping up. “I’ll get someone now, try and keep calm.” “Don’t be long.” She whispered. I ran out of the room, and down the corridor, bumping into several people on the way, there was no time for apologies. “Please, send someone, Scarlett’s in pain, it’s bad, something’s wrong.” I said breathlessly to the receptionist at the maternity ward. “Someone will be right up.” The receptionist promised. I ran back up the corridor, straight into the room. “Someone is coming now.” I said quickly. Scarlett looked pale, much worse than she did before I left. “What seems to be the problem?” The nurse asked, trying to sound cheerful. “Something’s wrong, I know it.” Scarlett said, her voice was panicked. “Let me take a quick look.” The nurse said calmly. “Aston, everything’s going to be alright, isn’t it?” Scarlett asked desperately. “It’ll be fine.” I replied, I was no doctor. “The baby’s breech. We need to organise an emergency caesarean section now.” The nurse said, running out of the room. “No, the baby, no Aston, everything’s going wrong, why us, what have we done to deserve this?” Scarlett sobbed. “They’re going to get out baby out soon, he or she will be fine, I promise.” I said back, what else could I say? Everything happened so quick. A team of nurses ran back into the room, and wheeled the bed out, obviously to the operating theatre. “Can’t I come with her?” I exclaimed. “There’s no time, we need to get the baby out, now.” One of the nurses called back. I followed them down the corridor. Stopping outside the operating theatre doors which had slammed shut. I felt helpless. 

About an hour had passed, and I had been pacing helplessly up and down the corridor. No one had told me anything. C-sections shouldn’t take this long. Me and Scarlett had looked into it, just as a precaution. “Please be okay, both of you.” I whispered, placing my head in my hands. The door of the theatre opened, and I shot up. “Please, tell me, is everything okay? Are they both okay, what’s happened, is everything okay? Can I see them?” I babbled. “Breathe, Aston, calm down. Everything’s fine.” The doctor said calmly. “Why did everything take so long?” I asked. “There was a complication…Scarlett lost a lot more blood than we expected.” He said slowly. “Please, just let me see them.” I replied. “Right this way.” The doctor answered. I walked into the operating theatre, there was a very strong smell of antiseptic. “Scarlett.” I breathed, walking over to her. She looked very pale. “Aston, it’s over, where were you?” She whispered. “They wouldn’t let me come in.” I mumbled. “I was so scared.” Scarlett said quietly. “I thought I was a goner. Everything went black, then I heard the baby cry, it was beautiful.” “Where is our baby now?” I asked. “If you’d like to come over here, the baby is right here, the baby needed a little help in breathing.” The nurse said gently. I looked at Scarlett. “Go, go see our baby.” She said, smiling weakly. 

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