Part 28

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Scarlett’s POV.

“I just can’t wait to get home!” I exclaimed, it was Saturday evening and I had finally been given permission to leave the hospital! I looked out of the window, we were going the completely wrong way back to mine, we were just at the start of Aston’s road. “Ast? I thought you were taking me home?” I asked. “Yeah, just needed to pick something here first.” He replied, smirking. A few minutes later, we were walking into Aston’s house. “Come upstairs with me babe?” Aston asked. “I’ve got something to show you.” “Okay?” I said back slowly. We walked slowly to the bedroom, due to the fact I was using crutches until my leg was fully healed. “Here we are babe! Surprise!” Aston said, smiling. I looked around the room. “What’s the surprise? What’s different about it? I can’t see anything?” I asked, confused. “Look closer!” He laughed. I walked around the slowly, looking carefully. “Okay, so you’ve got the same duvet cover as me?” I laughed, noting the change on the bed. “No, it is your duvet cover.” Aston corrected. “Look around again.” I turned around, looking at the dressing table. “You’ve got all my sprays and hair stuff, is that the surprise?” I asked. “No babe, that’s not the surprise, look in the wardrobe, then maybe you’ll understand?” Aston replied smirking. I walked over to the wardrobe and opened the door. “All my clothes are in here?” I asked, thinking for a minute. “Yes babe.” Aston replied. “Oh, oh I get it now, you’ve moved all my stuff in!” I answered. “Yes, I know we were going to move in together before everything… So I thought I’d surprise you!” Aston said back, walking over to me. “Cute you are!” I exclaimed, throwing my arms around his neck, forgetting about my leg and losing my balance. “Woah careful babe!” He replied. “You deserve it after everything, now come on, downstairs for another surprise!” We walked out of the room slowly. “Right close your eyes and no peeking until we get downstairs!” Aston exclaimed. “Ast, how the hell am I going to get downstairs with my eyes closed on crutches?” “Like this!” He replied, picking me up into his arms. I pulled myself as close as I could to him. Why can’t we just go to bed?” I said quietly, kissing his neck. “As tempting as that sounds, we can’t.” he replied. “And why’s that? Not like you to refuse.” I answered, kissing him again. “Well one, the surprise really can’t wait, and two, with your leg the way it is, I’m sure..that… isn’t the best thing right now.” Aston replied laughing. “Well, I wasn’t suggesting sex…After all, there are things that only I can give to you, only me, no one else.” I replied cheekily. “As tempting as that sounds, maybe later.” Aston said, biting his lip. “Now come on, close your eyes, this surprise isn’t going to wait forever!” 

“Can I open my eyes yet?” I asked, sensing that we were now in the living room. “No, not yet!” Aston replied. A few seconds passed. “Welcome home!” Exclaimed a chorus of voices. I opened my eyes to find Ellie, Oritse, JB, Marvin, Rochelle and Chloe standing in our living room, holding up a banner saying ‘Welcome home!’ “Aw guys! Aw! I can’t even. Aw!” I babbled, lost for words, it was so cute! We all sat down and began talking. “How did you all even get here?” I exclaimed. “I didn’t hear anyone come in?” “Ah, we were all waiting in the kitchen for you to go upstairs!” Ellie replied. “Yeah, then we all came in here!” Added Oritse. “Oh, please say you didn’t hear mine and Ast’s conversation on top of the stairs?” I asked, cringing inside. “Nah, we didn’t…” Replied JB slowly. “Yeah, we didn’t hear much of it.” Marvin added. “What they really mean, is we heard it all, every single word of it…” Ellie said slowly. “What? No!” I replied, blushing, my face was red. “Aw someone’s shamed!” Aston mocked. “Cheeky! This involves you too!” I exclaimed. “Yes, but I’m not the one who said it.” He replied, smirking. “Anyway, time for surprise number three!” “You’re spoiling me!” I replied. “You deserve it!” he replied, picking me up again. 

A few minutes later, and we were in the dining room. “You can open your eyes now!” Aston said. I opened my eyes, the table was full of impressive looking food. “Woah, now that’s impressive!” I exclaimed. “I know, my cooking skills have improved. Aston replied coolly. “Now Ast, I think that everyone knows you didn’t do this.” Marvin laughed. “He got the caters in!” “Merrygold, why you so cute?” I asked again, kissing him on the lips. “Yo! That’s enough of that! Let’s eat! Exclaimed Ellie. 

Sometime later, me and Aston were curled up in bed together. “Thank you for today Ast, its been perfect!” I said softly. “Anytime babe, you deserve the best!” He replied. “You know what? I’ve got a feeling that from now on, everything is going to be perfect!” “I hope do, I really do!” I answered, Me and Aston had only been back in each other’s lives for little over 2 months, nothing else could happen to us. Could it? 

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