Part 82

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Scarlett’s POV.

I watched nervously as Ellie and the first instructor disappeared out of the side of the helicopter. “Who’s next then?” One of the instructors asked. None of us said anything. “Go on Scarl, take one for the team!” Chloe exclaimed. “Yeah, go on Scarl!” Taylor added. “Fine, better to get it over and done with I suppose.” I said, straight faced, I was petrified to say the least! I was strapped to the instructor, feet dangling over the edge of the helicopter. “You ready?” The instructor drawled in his American accent. “As ready as I’ll ever be!” I exclaimed. I looked down nervously, big mistake. I started panicking, what if the parachute didn’t open, and something went wrong?! “Let’s go!” He exclaimed. That was it, we were falling fast, I was petrified, but filled with adrenaline at the same time, it was exhilarating!  “Oh my God, that was incredible!” I said breathlessly, stumbling towards Ellie. “It was certainly something else!” She replied. We looked up, watching our friends one by one came down. “I was so nervous, but the feeling when you actually experience it, wow!” I exclaimed, finally regaining my breath, I couldn’t stop shaking! My cousin Lauren was the last one to come down, we all walked towards the building, to get changed. We were all so overwhelmed by it! “What now?” I asked. “To the hotel!” Ellie exclaimed.

“We’re staying here?!” I exclaimed as the mini bus pulled to a stop. I’d never seen anything like it, the hotel was stunning. “Yep, it’s the top hotel in Florida.” Ellie replied. “It must’ve cost a fortune.” I said back, getting out of the bus. We walked into the reception, it was just as extravagant as the outside, Ellie walked over to the desk, getting our keys. “Right, two per room.” She said, handing out the keys. I was sharing with Ellie, Rochelle and Chloe were sharing, then Lauren and Taylor. Our luggage was already in the rooms. “Oh my God! It’s like the size of the downstairs of our house!” I exclaimed, walking into the suite, it was huge! We could have all fitted into the one suite. I walked around, going into every room, I certainly wouldn’t have minded living here, everything about it was perfect, the view, everything! “You have no more antics planned for today do you?” I asked Ellie cautiously. “Nope, just a quiet evening in.” She replied. “Good, I don’t think I could take anymore today!” I exclaimed. “I’m going in the shower.”

I walked out of my bedroom, all of the girls were sitting in the living room, or whatever you wanted to call it. “I can’t get over your suite, I thought ours was big!” Lauren exclaimed. “I know, it’s bigger than my house.” Taylor said quickly. I smiled quickly, Taylor and Lauren weren’t used to this lifestyle, but could you ever get used to living like this?! “Let the drinking begin!” Ellie exclaimed, cracking open a bottle, I couldn’t help but smile. “I’m not getting too drunk this week, I actually want to remember what happened!” I said after a couple of glasses. “Oh come on, you’ve got to get absolutely hammered at least once, it’s your hen do after all!” Rochelle exclaimed. “You don’t need to get drunk to have a good time.” I said back. “You will get drunk at least once, trust me.” Ellie smirked. “We’ll soon see!” I trilled. “So, what’s the plan for tomorrow then?” I asked. “Chill by the pool, then go out in the evening.” Ellie said straight away. “I know you’re not telling me what you have planned or whatever, but please tell me, you haven’t booked a male stripper or anything have you?” I asked again, my shoulders dropped. “No, we were thinking about it, but no we haven’t.” Chloe replied. “Good, I think it’s tacky, it’s very stereotypical of a hen do.” I said back. “Trust me Scarl, this isn’t your ordinary hen do!” Ellie laughed. She was right, nothing about it so far had been what you’d expect, and we’d only been here a few hours!

Aston’s POV.

It was just after 3 in the morning, and still considerably warm outside. We’d just arrived at the hotel, we’d all had a lot to drink, even though the journey from the airport hadn’t exactly been that long, they joys of a stag do! I walked into the room I was sharing with Marvin and Conor. “Shouldn’t we go to bed?” I muttered, I was shattered, all I wanted to do was sleep, the flight and the time difference had completely messed me up! “A few more drinks, then sleep, it’s your stag do!” Announced Marvin, handing me yet another drink. “How come you’re not drunk, or tipsy at least?” I asked. “Someone’s gotta be in charge!” He smirked, they’d obviously planned something…

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