Part 7

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Aston’s POV. 

I found myself smiling when Scarlett agreed to stay. As we were curled up in bed, I felt an extreme closeness that I hadn’t felt in the last 7 years. I turned towards her. “Do you remember that day, 2 weeks after your 16th birthday, when..when we made love for the first time?” I whispered huskily down her ear. “Of course.” She replied quietly. “The night we became one, that night was incredible.” “That night was perfect.” I said, biting my lip, looking deep into Scarlett’s eyes. “Ast, just kiss me, I’m yours.” Scarlett whispered. I kissed her, it was the type of kiss that only leads to one thing… 

Scarlett’s POV.

I woke up around twelve, with Aston’s arms still wrapped around me. I lay blissfully in is arms, thinking back to last night, we had spent the night making love. I moved Aston’s arms gently off me, not wanting to disturb him. I walked over to his wardrobe, and pulled out something to wear, although nothing fitted me… I pulled them on, and went in search of a bathroom, or to put it another way, an excuse to explore Aston’s house further. I walked into the bathroom, which was stunning! Then I caught site of myself in the mirror, my hair was a mess, my cheeks were flushed, and my lips were swollen. I smiled as I ran my fingers through my hair, my body was still tingling from Aston’s touch. “Good morning beautiful!” Aston said, his arms suddenly around me. “Ast! You made me jump!” I exclaimed laughing. “I don’t know how you can call me beautiful! Have you seen the state of me?!” “You look stunning, naturally pretty!” Aston replied smiling. “Come back to bed.” Now that was an offer I could not refuse!

Aston took me back to his room and pushed me gently down onto the bed. “Wait, I need to ring Ellie.” I said suddenly, I checked my phone. Ah shit!” I exclaimed. “What’s wrong?” Aston asked. “10 missed called and 5 texts from Ellie…” I replied, feeling extremely guilty, I rang her. “Ellie! I am SO sorry I didn’t call!” I exclaimed without giving her a chance to say hello. “You’ve got some explaining to do?! Where the hell have you been? And why haven’t you called?” Ellie replied, sounding extremely pissed off. “I, er, well…” I said, trailing off, not really sure what to say next. “You gonna answer me or?” Ellie said. It was now or never, Ellie knew everything there was to know about me, except the Aston part. “Well…I haven’t been entirely honest with you.” I said cautiously, before launching into the whole story, from start to finish… “So yeah, that’s why I didn’t come home last night.” I said sheepishly. “Scarl! You should have said something, I could have helped you through it instead of trying to set you up on dates all the time!” Ellie replied. “You’re not mad?!” I said, shocked at her reaction. “No I’m not mad.” She sighed. “I just wished that you’d told me. Anyway, I guess I’ll see you later then, bye.” She said. “Bye Ellie.” I replied.

Aston’s POV. 

“I put you through hell didn’t I?” I said sadly, after listening to Scarlett and Ellie’s conversation. “Aston! Don’t ever for a second think that what happened was your fault!” Exclaimed Scarlett. “It couldn’t be helped, anyway, it’s all perfect again now, we’ve found each other again!” “Yeah, yeah I guess.” I replied still feeling guilty. “And you’re right, we’re together now, and that’s what matters the most!” I changed the subject. “Anyway, I see you’ve found my wardrobe!” I said, laughing at the ill-fitting, mismatched clothes Scarlett had pulled on. “Yeah, I know, I look hot!” She laughed back sarcastically. “Yeah, you do, those clothes look hot on you, but they’d look even hotter on the floor!” I smirked back, cheesy chat-up lines for the win! You’re gonna be the death of me Merrygold!” Scarlett laughed. “Come on then, get your kit off!” She pulled me onto the bed, and we carried on from where we left off…

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