Part 60

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Aston’s POV. 

“I’ll be there as quick as I can.” I promised before putting the phone down. What was wrong with her. “Oh god, not the baby.” I exclaimed, running towards the car. She was in a state, I’d never heard her like that before. 

“Scarlett? Where are you?” I exclaimed, bursting into the flat, I’d made it there in record time. “I’m in here, the bathroom.” She sobbed. “Aston, I am so sorry.” Scarlett croaked as I opened the door. “I’m sorry too beautiful, this, what happened, should have never happened, I should have told you the night I got home, but now’s not the time to talk about that, what’s the matter?” I asked, my voice was panicked. “There’s something wrong, I have pains, I’m bleeding, Aston, I can’t lose this baby.” She sobbed. “Get in the car, we’re going straight to the hospital.” I said, trying, and failing to keep calm. “Can you walk?” I added. “Just steady me.” She replied weakly. “Everything will be fine, I promise you.” I whispered, helping her up from the floor.

We got to the hospital quickly, not the hospital we’d had the original scan in, it was too far. “Scarlett needs to see someone quickly.” I babbled to the girl behind the desk. “Yes, and so do hundreds of other patients, you are in A&E you know.” She replied, I didn’t like her attitude. “She’s in a bad way, she’s bleeding and she’s got bad pains. She’s pregnant for God’s sake!” I exclaimed. “Oh, well why didn’t you say? I’ll call someone from that department straight away.” The receptionist said back. A few minutes later, someone came down with a wheelchair for Scarlett, taking us to the ward where they could check everything. “What can you do for her?” I asked, my voice was panicked. “We can do an ultrasound, but it sounds like she’s miscarrying.” The nurse said, her voice was sympathetic. “There’s nothing we can do if that’s the case.” She added gently. “Please, no, that can’t happen.” I said weakly. “We can only hope for the best.” She said softly.

Scarlett’s POV. 

Everything was happening so fast, it was a blur. One minute I was on the bathroom floor, the next I was in the hospital. The nurse was setting up the ultrasound. The room was silent. You could have heard a pin drop. I had prepared myself for the worst. The nurse started the ultrasound, I held my breath. Everything was silent. “They baby is alive, you can see the heart beating.” The nurse breathed. I sighed and closed my eyes. “You’re definitely sure of that?” I asked, I didn’t dare believe it. “I am, 100%. Look, you can see the heart beating.” She replied, pointing it out on the screen. “You don’t know how happy I am.” I exclaimed. “What’s with the bleeding, and the pains though.” I asked, I was still worried. “I don’t know, if I’m honest, sometimes it just happens.” She replied, sounding uncertain. “What now?” Aston asked. “I think we’ll keep you in for the next 12 hours, and monitor you every hour, just to be certain, it’s risky.” The nurse said back. “Thank you.” Aston said gratefully. “Only doing my job.” She replied, smiling. “I’ll leave you two to have a few minutes together.” She added, getting up, shutting the door behind her.

“Aston.” I said quietly. “No, babe, I know what you’re going to say, don’t say a word. We’re together now, that’s all that mattered, what’s happened is in the past, from now on, we’re focusing on the future okay?” He said, not giving me a chance to finish. “No I need to say this, I was wrong, very wrong, I was selfish, jealous in fact, I shouldn’t have done what I did, and I regret it, it was hell. Not just for me, but for you too, it tore me apart.” I said quickly. “It wasn’t easy, not one bit, just forget it okay? I did, the second you rang.” Aston replied quietly. “Forgive me for leaving.” I added. “Babe, there’s nothing to forgive, really there’s not. You were upset, I didn’t explain myself well, I realise that now, I shouldn’t have taking her home, especially as she tried it on with me, but never meant to hurt you, and I will never hurt you, either of you.” Aston said slowly, placing his hand on my stomach. I put my left hand on top of his. “I never took the ring off.” I said quietly. “I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t. It would have meant the end if I had, I don’t want us to end, ever.” We sat in silence for a while. “Scarlett, we’ll never end ever. We’ve made promises to each other…” He replied, trailing off knowing I’d know exactly what he meant. “We made vows in the tree house, together, Forever..” We said at exactly the same time. That oh-so famous line seemed to be the foundation stone of our relationship…

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