Part 10

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Scarlett’s POV. 

I woke up late, totally unaware of the time. I leant over to my bedside table to check my phone. 5 texts and 10 missed calls from Aston. “Ah shit.” I groaned, checking the time, it was 1pm and I was supposed to be over Aston’s will all my stuff over an hour ago. I rang Ast and he picked up straight away. “Scarl? Are you okay?!”Aston exclaimed. “Sorry babe, I over slept.” I yawned sleepily. “Thought something had happened! Anyway can you be over mine in about an hour?” He replied. “Well, uh, I kinda haven’t even started packing…” I said. “Oh Scarlett! You’re unbelievable!” Aston laughed, “I’ll be over in about an hour to help you pack.” “Okay.” I replied. “Hey, you couldn’t buy a suitcase or two on the way over here could you? My two are going to be nowhere near enough to fit all my stuff in!” “Yeah sure, catch you in a bit beautiful!” Aston said.” “Okay bye!” I replied, hanging up. I got out of bed and walked into the living room finding Ellie watching the TV. “Hey.” I said walking over to her. “Hey.” She replied, refusing to look at me. “Look, I know this whole situation is sudden, but I’ll be back before you know it.” I said quickly. “Look Scarlett, who I am I to tell you what you can and can’t do in life? It’s up to you, and if you’re happy with it, then I guess I’m happy for you, but don’t come crying to me when it all falls apart again.” She replied, getting up without looking for me and headed straight for her bedroom. She slammed the door behind her. I followed after her. “Aston’s coming over soon to help me pack.” I said, there was no reply. “Ah I give up.” I muttered, heading for the shower.

Aston’s POV. 

I was wandering aimlessly around the centre of London, looking for a shop to actually buy a suitcase, I was hoping to be unnoticed by the paps, but of course it was going to be hard. I heard a few whispers “Is that Aston from JLS?” I couldn’t help but smile. I was stopped a few times, fans asking for pictures and photographs, I didn’t really mind at all, anything for our fans! I noticed a girl in a blue JLS hoody, turn away, walking in the opposite direction, she hadn’t seen me but one of her friends had noticed me. “Shh!” I mouthed, putting my finger to my lip and smiling. I walked towards the girl and tapped her on the shoulder. “Hello” I said, smiling. She froze and turned around slowly. “Oh my god.” She breathed, she couldn’t be much older than 15. “You okay babe?” I asked. “Oh my god! I can’t believe it! Oh my god! I love you so much!” She said excitedly. I held open my arms and she fell into them. I talked to her for a few minutes, signed a few things, and she gave me her twitter name, I loved making fans smile! One of the highlights of the job! I walked down a couple more streets coming across argos, the only place I could think of, I walked in, and 10 minutes later I was done. I walked out of the shop, to find a paparazzi frenzy! “Aston! Who is she then?!” They shouted. That’s when I caught on. Me and Scarlett have been papped together. “We know you’ve spent the night together!” I kept my lips tight together and focused on the task of getting back to my car without getting hurt. It was impossible. Instead, I pushed my way out, well as best as I could with the suitcases, and made my way into the shop next door. I sighed of relief, and then groaned realising I’d walked into a jewellers. This was going to make the paps worse, they stood outside, still shouting. I took my phone out of my pocket and rang security, thankfully Gav wasn’t too far away. I looked up to see the shop assistant starting at me. “Sorry about this.” I said, smiling weakly. “It’s okay, they’re not going to break the windows are they?” She replied worriedly. “Nah, they won’t go that far.” I said. I decided to buy Scarlett something as I was there. I looked around and a silver heart shaped necklace with a blue diamond caught my eye. “You like it?” The assistance asked me. “Yeah, it’s beautiful.” I replied taking my card out of my pocket. “How much?” She gave me price. “Do you want an inscription on the back?” She asked. “Yeah!” I replied quickly. “We made vows in the tree house, together Forever.” “Aw! There are beautiful! She must be very special!” She answered. “Yeah she is.” I replied, smiling. 20 minutes later and Gav had come and cleared a path for me to walk down. I paid for the necklace, and followed him out of the shops. They continued to shout. “Gonna show us what you bought? Is it an engagement ring?” I ignored them, feeling 10 times safer with Gav. Shortly I was safely back in the car, I rang Scarlett letting her know I was running late. “Sorry babe! I’ll be there shortly!” I said quickly, before setting off. 

We made vows in the tree house, together, Forever.Where stories live. Discover now