Part 68

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Scarlett’s POV.

“So, everything’s still perfect for you then?” Ellie asked. “Yes, I can’t get over it, this month has actually been the best month of my life, I’m so happy!” I exclaimed back. It was now the 14th of November, and Faith was exactly 6 weeks old, life was pretty good. Aston was out for the day, promoting their next album, which had been released the same day. “I’m glad you’re happy.” Ellie replied. “How are the wedding plans coming along?” I asked, knowing Ellie would have everything sorted for her wedding, just like she’d arranged the majority of mine. “Yeah pretty good, we’ve decided to have a long engagement though.” She said back. “Why’s that?” I asked. “Just don’t want to rush things, want everything to be perfect.” Ellie replied. “That’s fair enough.” I said. “Anyway, talking about wedding plans, have you decided who you want to give you away at yours?” She asked. I sighed. Obviously it was traditional for your Dad to give you away, but considering the situation with my Dad, that wasn’t exactly possible. “I don’t know, my Granddad probably, he’s always been a father figure to me I guess.” I replied. There was a knock at the door. Strange. The security gates were locked, and I wasn’t expecting Aston home for another hour or so. “Er, Elle, I’m gonna have to go, there’s someone at the door, I’ll ring you late or something.” I said, putting the phone down. I walked to the door, and checked the security camera. It was my Dad. I debated whether or not to open the door. But it was too late, he’d already seen me. 

I opened the door slowly. “Alirighhhh Scarl?” He slurred. He’d been drinking. “Dad.” I replied, just acknowledging him. “I climbed over wall, I’m just too funny.” He laughed. I didn’t reply. “Gonna invite me in en?” Dad continued. I sighed, opening the door wider, pointing him to the living room. “So, where’s this ikkle baba of yours then?” He asked. “Out with Aston.” I lied. She wasn’t really, she was upstairs, but I was not letting him near her, I silently prayed that she didn’t wake up, and the baby monitor went off. “N’aw, that’s a shame, I wanted to hug her.” He slurred. “Gonna get your old man a drink then?” “What do you want?” I said coolly. “Whiskey, if you have it, anything with alcohol will do if not.” Dad said. “We haven’t got any alcohol, we’re not big drinkers.” I said smoothly, we did have alcohol, but I was not giving him anymore. “Coffee will ‘ave to do then.” He muttered. I walked slowly to the kitchen, I needed to get him out of here, it wouldn’t be long until things turned nasty, it was always the way.

“One coffee.” I said sweetly, walking into the living room. “So, I’ve trust you’ve listened to my advice, and left Aston then?” Dad said calmly. “What? No? Does it look like I have.” I said coolly. “Why Scarl, I told you, you ‘ave to leave him, you’re no kid of mine.” He bit back. “See Dad, that’s the thing, I’m not a kid anymore, we’ve been through this before.” I sighed. “You’re my kid, you listen to me.” He said back, his voice was raised. “I can’t deal with this now, please leave.” I said, standing up. “Leave him, this instance, ya hear me?” Dad yelled, throwing the cup I handed him. It smashed against the wall. A sharp cry came from the baby monitor, Faith had woken up. “You LIAR.” He exclaimed. “You said she was out.” “I was protecting her.” I said, my voice breaking. “You’re filth, you know that?” Dad spat, stumbling towards stairs. “Leave her alone!” I exclaimed, running towards the stairs, I needed to get up there before him. “Lemme ‘ave her. I’m a better parent than you’ll ever be.” He spat. I grabbed his arm, but he was too strong, he pulled his arm away, elbowing me in the face, causing my lip to bleed, I felt dizzy, I was powerless, I needed to keep strong for the baby. “You’re not getting your hands on her.” I spat. “And who’s gonna stop me? You an’ what army?” He slurred. I looked around me quickly, anything to defend myself. I grabbed the first thing I saw, a hard-back book. It would do. I grabbed the book, and flung it at my Dad, hoping it would do something, anything to catch him of guard. It hit the side of his face, but didn’t’ do much, but it was enough. I legged it up the stairs, but he was hot on my trail. I ran straight into Faith’s bedroom, slamming the door shut in my Dad’s face. I locked the door, and sat upright against it, not taking any chances, he was strong enough to bust the lock. “Let me in now.” He shrieked. It happened. He’d gone insane. I kept quiet. Faith was crying, a lot. It broke my heart knowing I couldn’t get up and comfort her. I kept still and put my head between my knees, praying that Aston would come home soon.

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