Part 17

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Aston’s POV.

I watched in despair as the girl I loved broke down in front me. “I can’t, Aston I can’t lose you again. I lost you once before, I can’t, I just can’t lose you again. I couldn’t live with myself.” She sobbed hysterically. “Woah. Babe calm down, what’s brought this on?” I asked, walking over to her, sitting down on the bed. “Danni, she’s beautiful. She obviously wants you. Can’t you see that? She’s going to do all she can to split us up.” Scarlett sobbed. “That’s never going to happen.” I replied bluntly. “How can you be so certain?” She asked. “well, one she’s getting married. And two, I’m with you, and it’s going to stay that way. Forever. Nothing is going to tear us apart.” I replied gently. “She obviously doesn’t love him though, she’s just a gold digger after his money. I could see it in her eyes Ast, when she looked at you. She’s in love with you.” Scarlett said. “Well the feeling of love is not returned.” I said. “I read your texts off Danni, why didn’t you tell me?” She sobbed suddenly. “You read my texts?” I asked, taking aback. I wasn’t expecting that. “I was worried about you. Why would you react over something management said?” She babbled. “I know I shouldn’t have, but I was worried.” “It’s okay, I’m not angry at that. I was just trying to protect you. I didn’t want to worry you about something that isn’t going to come to anything.” I sighed. “What did she mean “and I know the fact that you having a girlfriend, or whatever it is won’t stop you, it never has before”” Scarlett replied. “Look, I told you, she’s twisted in her head. She thinks I cheated on her, when I was never with her in the first place. Yes we were seeing each other, but not in a relationship. And yes I flirted with other girls when I was seeing her, but that’s the whole point of seeing someone, you’re not actually together. You’re just getting to know each other better.” I said softly. “H-How did she get your number in the first place?” She asked. “Your guess is as good as mine.” I replied. “I changed my number at least twice since then.” “I hate this.” Scarlett said quietly. “Hate what?” I asked. “The fact that we’re back together, back in each other’s lives, and now something’s come along to try and ruin it.” She said bluntly. “She’s not going to ruin us Scarl.” I whispered. “Nothing can and nothing will. You got me okay, I’m yours.” “I love you.” She breathed. “I love you too.” I replied softly, brushing the tears away from her eyes with my fingertips. “I’ll sort it out Scarl, trust me, she’ll never contact us again.” I said. Scarlett simply nodded.

Scarlett’s POV. 

I woke early the next morning, having very little sleep, I looked over to Aston’s side of the bed, and he was completely out of it. I got up, got dressed and made my way to the poolside, it was still very early and I doubted anyone else would be up. It would be nice to have some quiet time on my own to think. I walked down the side of the pool to find Oritse already sitting there, completely in a world of his own. “Hey.” I said quietly. “oh, hey.” He said snapping out of his trance. “What brings you down here so early?” “Couldn’t sleep, you?” I replied. “Same.” He said. “How couldn’t you sleep?” I asked. “Aha, I was just about to ask you the same question.” He replied. “Oh, ask me if you like, I don’t mind.” I said. “Nah, I’ll go first, my problem is not that interesting anyway.” He sighed. “Every time I look at you and Ast, or Marv and Rochelle or Jaybes and Chloe, I can’t help but think, I want that, I want a girl in my life, someone who can be myself with…” “She’s out there somewhere Reesh.” I replied gently, rubbing the top of his hand. “Yeah, just gotta not give up I guess. What’s wrong with you then?” He asked. “Danni.” I replied bluntly, knowing he’d know exactly who I meant. “She’s back on the scene again is she?” Oritse replied. “Yep.” I said, launching into the whole thing that happened yesterday. “Don’t worry Scarlett, Aston won’t go there again, I know he won’t.” Oritse replied. “Yeah, he said that last night, but..” I trailed off. “But what Scarl? Aston is a man of his word, he will never Ever cheat on you. I can promise you that. You mean the world to him.” I smiled a little, I knew Oritse’s words were true and I trust Aston 100% didn’t I? It was just Danni. There was something about her.

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